Dynamic Characteristics of Explosive Damage to Typical Undersea Vehicles
摘要: 文中研究探讨的大型水下航行器结构的爆炸毁伤特性, 不仅对于提高航行器的生存能力至关重要, 也对海战中的战术应用和战略部署具有深远的影响。首先, 使用结构化任意拉格朗日-欧拉(S-ALE)算法建立了水下航行器和爆炸模型, 总结了水下爆炸下近壁面气泡运动特性。之后探讨了在水下爆炸冲击波和气泡载荷作用下, 航行器结构的破坏特性。结果表明, 静水压力会扩大爆炸对结构的毁伤。当航行器结构遭遇两发武器攻击时, 在一定范围内, 水平布置的两爆源间距越大, 航行器毁伤越严重。Abstract: This study examined the explosive damage characteristics of large undersea vehicle structures, which are crucial for improving the survivability of undersea vehicles and have far-reaching influence on tactical application and strategic deployment in naval battle. Initially, the study utilized the structured arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian(S-ALE) model to create models for both an undersea vehicle and underwater explosion and analyzed the characteristics of bubble motion near the wall in underwater explosion. It then investigated the structural damage characteristics of the vehicle under the influence of underwater explosion shockwaves and bubble loads. The results reveal that hydrostatic pressure amplifies the damage inflicted by explosion. Furthermore, when the undersea vehicle is exposed to attacks from two explosive charges, a greater distance between the horizontally arranged explosion sources within a certain range results in a more severe damage to the vehicle.
Key words:
- underwater explosion /
- undersea vehicle /
- bubble /
- damage characteristics
表 1 TNT炸药状态方程参数
Table 1. Parameters of TNT explosive state equation
编号 材料参数 数值 1 A/Pa 3.71×1011 2 B/Pa 3.21×109 3 Ρ/(kg/m3) 1630 5 R1 4.15 6 R2 0.95 7 ω 0.35 8 e/(J/kg) 4.29×106 表 2 空气状态方程参数
Table 2. Parameters of air state equation
编号 材料参数 数值 1 C0~C3、C6 0 2 C4、C5 0.4 3 E/(J/m3) 2.53×105 表 3 水状态方程参数
Table 3. Parameters of water state equation
编号 材料参数 数值 1 ρ0/(kg/m3) 1 025 2 c/(m/s) 1 480 3 S1 2.56 4 S2 −1.986 5 S3 0.226 8 6 γ0 0.5 7 E/(J/m3) 1.01×105 表 4 不同网格尺寸下加筋板最大破裂尺寸结果
Table 4. Results of maximum rupture size of reinforced plates under different grid sizes
网格尺寸/mm 仿真结果/mm 实验结果/mm 误差/% 3 975 980 0.5 4 971 980 1.0 5 959 980 2.1 6 944 980 3.7 8 921 980 6.0 10 905 980 7.7 表 5 不同水深下气泡特性
Table 5. Bubble characteristics at different depths
水深/m 气泡最大半径/m 气泡载荷/Pa 100 3.3 6.8×106 150 2.7 7.2×106 200 2.5 7.4×106 250 2.3 7.6×106 300 2.2 7.9×106 表 6 不同水深下结构迎爆点毁伤特性
Table 6. Damage characteristics of structural blast point under different depths
水深/m 最大应变 最大速度/(m/s) 100 0.040 4.37 150 0.045 5.00 200 0.080 5.64 250 0.170 24.38 300 0.230 51.10 表 7 不同间距下结构迎爆点毁伤特性
Table 7. Damage characteristics of structural blast points at different distances
D/m 最大应变 最大速度/(m/s) 0 0.064 5.64 4 0.027 4.07 6 0.053 3.91 8 0.085 9.85 -
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