Passive Localization Of Underwater Broadband High-Frequency Targets Based on frequency Difference Matching Field
摘要: 高频信号在传播过程中易受环境不确定性的影响, 导致传统匹配场方法在高频段定位性能退化。为改善这一问题, 文中给出了基于频差匹配场的高频信号被动定位方法, 对高频带宽内不同频率的阵列接收数据进行二次积处理, 以构造远小于原频率的差频处的声场结构。在差频处应用已建立的匹配场定位算法, 将宽带高频信号降低到低频段处理。首先, 给出了频差法的原理并对浅海多径传播到达掠射角进行准确估计, 在此基础上, 分别给出了适用于浅海和深海的频差匹配场物理模型, 最后, 通过仿真证明了文中所提方法在不确定环境中对高频信号定位性能明显优于传统方法。Abstract: High frequency signals are easily affected by environmental uncertainty during propagation, leading to degradation of traditional matching field methods in high-frequency localization performance. To improve this problem, this article proposes a passive high-frequency signal localization method based on frequency difference matching field, which performs quadratic product processing on the received data of arrays with different frequencies within the high-frequency bandwidth to construct a sound field structure at the difference frequency much smaller than the original frequency. Apply the established matching field positioning algorithm at the difference frequency to reduce the broadband high-frequency signal to the low-frequency range for processing. Firstly, the principle of frequency difference method is presented and the grazing angle of shallow sea multipath propagation is accurately estimated. Based on this, physical models of frequency difference matching fields suitable for shallow sea and deep sea are proposed. Finally, simulation results show that the proposed method has significantly better localization performance for high-frequency signals in uncertain environments than traditional methods.
表 1 浅海仿真环境参数
Table 1. Shallow water simulation environment parameters
海深 海底声速 海底密度 海底衰减 75 m 1 668 m/s 1.806 g/cm3 0.692 dB/λ 表 2 深海仿真环境参数
Table 2. Deep sea simulation environment parameters
海深 海底声速 海底密度 海底衰减 6 370 m 2 000 m/s 1.8 g/cm3 0.1 dB/λ 表 3 4种定位算法对比
Table 3. Comparison of four positioning algorithms
算法 频率 权向量 范围 实测数
据处理幅度权重 相位权重 宽带匹配场定位 带内频率 $p(\omega )$ $ \left| {p(\omega )} \right| $ $ \arg \left| {p(\omega )} \right| $ 浅海频差匹配场定位 带内频
率之下$A{P_\vartriangle }(\omega ,\Delta \omega )$ $ \left| {p(\omega )} \right| $ $ \arg \left| {p(\omega )} \right| $ 深海频差匹配场定位 带内频
率之下$A{P_\vartriangle }(\omega ,\Delta \omega )$ $ \left| {p(\omega )} \right| $ $ \arg \left| {AP(\Delta \omega )} \right| $ 基于相位匹配的深
率之下$A{P_\vartriangle }(\omega ,\Delta \omega )$ 1 $ \arg \left| {AP(\Delta \omega )} \right| $ 表 4 浅海定位算法偏移对比
Table 4. Migration comparison of shallow water positioning algorithms
算法 深度偏移 距离偏移 常规匹配场定位 42 m 0.6 km 浅海频差匹配场定位 1 m 0.2 km 表 5 深海定位算法偏移对比
Table 5. Comparison of deep sea positioning algorithm migration
算法 深度偏移 距离偏移 单个频
干平均常规匹配场定位 300 m 0 m 150 km 55 km 浅海频差匹配场定位 1 400 m 3 500 m 106 km 191 km 深海频差匹配场定位 0 m 0 m 0 km 0 km 基于相位匹配的深海
频差匹配场定位0 m 0 m 0 km 0 km -
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