An underwater WIFI-acoustic dual link cooperative control AUV for confined water applications
摘要: 近年来, 自主水下航行器(AUV)在环境监测、资源勘探、水下救援、管道巡检和水下施工等多样化海洋任务中的应用日益广泛, 其水下控制链路一般采用水声通信链路。对于浅海岸滩、水库、湖泊、管渠及洞穴等水域地形复杂的受限水域, 复杂多径对高速率水声通信性能造成严重影响, 而有限水域深度为无线链路的应用提供了可能性。面向此类应用, 文中设计了一种采用水声和WIFI双链路协同控制的小型AUV: SubseaBuddy-3 (水下助手-3), 其水声链路采用低速率扩频水声通信方式以保证强多径条件下的通信可靠性, 而高速率WIFI链路则可在浅水区工作, 或应用于布放前的功能调试测试, 以及回收阶段控制和观测。通过水声链路、WIFI链路在不同工作深度、不同信息获取/回传状态进行协同, 可满足受限水域条件下可靠指控、水下图像实时/准实时回传的需求。同时, AUV配备惯性测量单元(IMU)和深度传感器, 可进行姿态和深度控制。水池实验证实了双链路AUV的工作有效性。Abstract: In recent years, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) has been widely used in various marine tasks such as environmental monitoring, resource exploration, underwater rescue, pipeline inspection and underwater construction, and its underwater control link generally adopts underwater acoustic communication link. For confined waters with complex terrain such as shallow shoals, reservoirs, lakes, canals and caves, strong multipath has a serious impact on the performance of high-speed underwater acoustic communication, and the limited water depth provides the possibility of wireless links. For this kind of application, a micro-sized AUV: SubseaBuddy-3 is jointed developed by Xiamen University(XM) and Hongkong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), which adopts the cooperative control of underwater acoustic and WIFI dual-link, in which the underwater acoustic link adopts the low-rate spread spectrum underwater acoustic communication mode to ensure the communication reliability under the strong multi-path condition, while the high-rate WIFI link can work in shallow water area, or the function debugging test before deployment, as well as the control and observation at the recovery stage. The underwater acoustic link and WIFI link can cooperate in different working depths and different information acquisition/return states, which can meet the needs of reliable accusation and real-time/quasi-real-time underwater image return under restricted water conditions. At the same time, the AUV is equipped with an IMU and depth sensor for attitude and depth control. The effectiveness of the dual link AUV is verified by the pool experiment.
表 1 AUV基本规格
Table 1. Basic specifications of AUV
参数 数值 舱体长度/mm 700 舱体内径/mm 220 舱体壁厚/mm 5 重量/kg 20 最大下潜深度/m 20 表 2 AUV水声链路通信指标
Table 2. Communication specifications of AUV underwater acoustic link
AUV通信相关参数 参数值 通信距离/km 5 采样率/kHz 75 信号中心频率/kHz 25 调制方式 DSSS 数据率/bps 55.8 -
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