Experimental Study of Trans-Medium Communication of Millimeter-Wave Radar in Wave Tank
摘要: 利用毫米波雷达探测由水下设备声波激励的水面微幅波有望实现水下设备对外无线跨介质通信。水面波动效应研究对实现基于毫米波雷达微幅波探测的跨介质通信具有重要价值。针对此, 文中在波浪水槽中对二进制相移键控和二进制频移键控调制信号跨介质通信开展了实验, 测试分析了不同幅度水面波动对跨介质通信的影响, 评估了基于空间分集技术的通信性能。实验结果表明, 中等水面波动对毫米波雷达跨介质通信性能的影响最小, 基于多通道合并的空间分集技术能提升波动水面上的跨介质通信质量。文中的研究可为基于毫米波雷达微幅波探测的跨介质通信技术在波动水面实际应用提供参考。Abstract: Wireless cross-medium communication for underwater equipment may be possible by using millimeter-wave radar to detect the micro-wave vibration on the water surface excited by sound waves of underwater equipment. Studying the effect of water surface waves is of great value for achieving trans-medium communication based on micro-wave vibration detection by millimeter-wave radar. Therefore, experiments were carried out on the trans-medium communication of binary phase-shift keying(BPSK) and binary frequency-shift keying(BFSK) modulation signals in a wave tank. The influence of different water surface wave vibrations on trans-medium communication was tested and analyzed, and the communication performance based on spatial diversity technology was evaluated. The experimental results show that moderate water surface wave vibrations have the least impact on the trans-medium communication performance of millimeter-wave radar, and the spatial diversity technology based on multi-channel data merging can improve trans-medium communication performance on wavy water surfaces. The research results can provide a reference for practical applications of trans-medium communication technology based on micro-wave vibration detection by millimeter-wave radar on wavy water surfaces.
Key words:
- millimeter-wave radar /
- trans-medium /
- wireless communication /
- wave tank /
- micro-wave vibration
表 1 雷达参数列表
Table 1. Parameters of radar system
参数名称 数值 频率/GHz 77 带宽/GHz 3.06 脉冲采样点 256 脉冲周期/μs 100 脉冲数 255×256 天线波束宽度/(° ) 30, 80 表 2 不同推程下雷达数据统计表
Table 2. BFSK data statistics table at different push plate stokes
因子20 2 −12.1 1.8 −13.5 2.1 30 4 −2.3 6.4 −5.2 7.2 40 6 −5.5 21.1 −2.9 15.7 50 8 −5.7 3.2 −4.9 10.1 60 9 −6.5 2.8 −9.8 2.8 70 10 −7.4 3.3 −10.7 2.6 -
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