Traffic Measurement Optimization for Cross-Domain Ad Hoc Networks Based on Meta-Learning and Reinforcement Learning
摘要: 跨域自组织网络是一种将不同介质上的节点进行自组织、网络拓扑自适应的网络。在跨域通信网络中, 直接测量技术可获得准确的端到端网络流量信息。但跨域网络中部分节点的低算力和低存储特性, 影响了所有节点运行网络流量测量进程。针对此, 文中提出一种基于元学习与近端策略优化的网络流量测量优化方法, 该方法根据上一时隙网络运行环境, 来确定下一时隙执行网络流量测量的节点集合, 目标是在尽可能少的节点上执行测量进程从而获取尽可能多的网络流量信息。文中同时通过3个网络数据集对所提方法进行仿真验证, 实验结果表明, 基于元学习和强化学习的跨域自组织网络流量测量优化算法可以有效选择流经流量大的节点, 具有较快的收敛速度和测量效率。Abstract: Cross-domain Ad Hoc network is a network that self-organizes nodes on different media and adapts to network topology. In cross-domain communication networks, direct measurement technology helps obtain accurate end-to-end network traffic information. However, the low computational power and low storage characteristics of some nodes in the cross-domain network hinder all nodes from running the network traffic measurement process. To address this issue, a network traffic measurement optimization method based on meta-learning and proximal policy optimization(PPO) was proposed. This method determined the set of nodes that performed network traffic measurement in the next time slot according to the network operating environment of the previous time slot, so as to perform the measurement process on as few nodes as possible to obtain as much network traffic information as possible. Three network datasets were used to verify the proposed method. The experimental results show that the traffic measurement optimization algorithm for cross-domain Ad Hoc networks based on meta-learning and reinforcement learning can effectively select the nodes with large traffic flow, with faster convergence speed and higher measurement efficiency.
表 1 NS3仿真无线自组织网络参数
Table 1. Parameters of NS3 simulated wireless Ad Hoc network
参数 数值 节点个数 $7 \times 7$ 网络运行时间/s 2 700 移动模型 高斯马尔可夫模型 网络移动边界 限制在$450 \times 450 \times 20$的长方体内 单个节点移动边界 限制在$50 \times 50 \times 20$的长方体内 表 2 基于元学习与PPO网络的测量优化结构参数
Table 2. Structural parameters for measurement optimization based on meta-learning with PPO network
模型 层级 参数值 策略网络 输入层 神经单元个数: M
FC-3: 全连接层神经单元个数: 100
激活函数: ReLU函数输出层 神经单元个数: N
激活函数: SoftMax函数评价网络 输入层 神经单元个数: M FC-1、FC-2、
FC-3: 全连接层神经单元个数: 100
激活函数: ReLU函数输出层 神经单元个数: 1(奖励值) 表 3 仿真过程关键参数
Table 3. Key parameters in the simulation process
参数 数值 动作网络学习率 0.000 1 评论网络学习率 0.000 1 奖励衰退因子$ \gamma $ 0.9 PPO中截断范围的参数 0.2 优势函数的缩放因子 0.95 经验回放池大小 200 内层训练轮数 10 外层训练轮数 40 -
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