Underwater Image Enhancement Method Based on Illumination Compensation and Pyramid-Based Blending
摘要: 水下光学成像存在色偏、散射模糊与亮度不均的问题, 现有的基于深度学习的方法与基于水下成像像质退化模型的图像增强方法存在鲁棒性差的问题。针对上述问题, 文中提出光照补偿与金字塔细节融合的单幅水下图像增强方法。首先, 结合全局照度与色彩通道特性在像素级实现光照强度的估计与补偿, 实现各色彩通道的强度校正; 然后, 以高斯模糊估计图像散射分量并采用多尺度高斯滤波残差法去散射; 最后, 提出融合边缘增强、自适应Gamma校正及亮度均衡的多图金字塔细节融合亮度均衡方法, 较好地保留图像细节信息的同时, 解决图像亮度不均问题。对比现有方法, 文中方法适应性更好, 在水下图像质量评价指标与水下图像颜色质量评价指标等方面都具有性能提升的优势。Abstract: The existing enhancement methods based on deep learning and underwater imaging quality degradation models still suffer from poor robustness due to color deviation, scattering-induced blur, and uneven brightness in underwater optical imaging. In response to these issues, this article proposed a single image-based enhancement method for underwater imaging, which combined illumination compensation and pyramid-based detail blending. First, based on global illumination and color channel characteristics, illumination intensity at the pixel level was estimated and compensated, achieving intensity correction for each color channel. Next, the scatter components of the image were estimated using Gaussian blur, and a multi-scale Gaussian filter residual method was used for descattering. Finally, a multi-image pyramid-based detail blending technique was proposed, combining edge enhancement, adaptive Gamma correction, and brightness equalization. This method effectively preserved image details while addressing uneven brightness. Compared to existing techniques, this method featured improved adaptability and achieved better performance in underwater image quality measures(UIQMs) and underwater image color and quality evaluation(UCIQE) measures.
表 1 评价指标对比
Table 1. Comparison of evaluation indicators
方法 UCIQE UICM UISM UIConM UIQM RAW 0.371 2 9.909 7 1.290 9 −0.153 0 0.113 4 CLAHE 0.382 1 13.420 0 1.290 3 −0.190 8 0.077 3 RETINEX 0.379 1 16.559 9 1.531 4 −0.188 8 0.244 0 CBF 0.372 4 17.488 3 1.518 9 −0.198 2 0.232 9 CCIA 0.365 6 15.231 0 1.206 0 −0.190 9 0.103 0 Shallow-UWnet 0.341 9 7.152 7 0.514 1 −0.198 6 −0.356 5 SyreaNet 0.365 6 15.852 5 1.244 1 −0.199 0 0.102 6 MLLE 0.369 5 13.038 4 2.249 8 −0.184 9 0.370 9 WWPF 0.370 5 13.876 5 1.965 6 −0.175 6 0.343 8 文中算法 0.3879 16.400 1 0.847 8 −0.092 2 0.383 0 -
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