Hybrid Energy Storage Control Method for Wave Energy Power Supply System in Comprehensive Observation Buoys
摘要: 波浪能是一种持续性好、分布范围广的绿色可再生能源, 可以为综合观测浮标持续性供电, 但波浪变化速度较快, 能量峰均比较高, 需要通过混合储能系统平滑其能量波动, 以便可靠地向电力负载供电。混合储能系统需要兼顾功率密度和能量密度特性, 能量管理策略对于充分利用不同器件的特性、延长系统的寿命至关重要。文中重点研究了波浪能供电中储能系统能量分配和功率控制方法, 提出了一种基于深度确定性策略梯度的混合储能系统功率分配和控制策略, 旨在保持母线的稳定并充分发挥蓄电池与超级电容2种储能技术的优势。仿真实验和实物试验证明了所提策略可使蓄电池充放电功率峰值大幅降低, 母线电压纹波被控制在1.6%以下,显著提高了波浪能供电系统的稳定性。Abstract: Wave energy is a widely distributed green renewable energy source capable of providing continuous electrical power to comprehensive observation buoys. However, its rapid fluctuations and high peak-to-average ratio require hybrid energy storage systems to smooth out its energy fluctuations for a reliable electrical load supply. These hybrid energy storage systems need to balance power and energy density characteristics, and energy management strategies are important for fully utilizing the characteristics of different devices and extending the system’s lifespan. This paper focused on energy distribution and power control methods of energy storage systems in wave energy supply and proposed a power distribution and control strategy for hybrid energy storage system based on deep deterministic policy gradient(DDPG), so as to maintain bus stability and leverage the advantages of two energy storage technologies of batteries and supercapacitors. Simulation and physical experiments demonstrate that this strategy greatly reduces peak battery charge/discharge power, keeps bus voltage ripple below 1.6%, and significantly enhances the stability of the wave energy power supply system.
表 1 参数列表
Table 1. Parameters list
名称 数值 单位 变流器功率电感 1 mH 变流器滤波电容 1 000 μF 开关频率 20 kHz 蓄电池额定电压 24 V 蓄电池容量 10 Ah 超级电容额定电压 48 V 超级电容容量 10 F -
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