Vibration Reduction Method for Power Cabin of Torpedoes Based on Acoustic Metamaterials
摘要: 鱼雷声隐身性能直接影响发射平台的安全性、自身攻击的隐蔽性及线导导引的有效性。目前广泛采用的减振降噪手段在控制鱼雷中低频振动方面效果不佳, 为解决这一问题, 文中针对鱼雷动力舱段展开了声学超材料减振方法研究。首先, 对动力舱段在轴向激励下的振动响应特性进行分析, 设计了悬臂梁局域共振单元结构, 并对该结构的带隙特性及减振效果进行分析。其次, 针对动力舱段支承结构, 提出基于声学超材料的减振方案。仿真分析发现, 声学超材料在相应带隙范围内对振动具有显著的抑制效果, 某些测点的衰减量高达11.95 dB。最后, 试验验证了声学超材料减振方案的有效性, 为解决鱼雷动力舱段中低频振动问题提供思路。Abstract: The acoustic stealth performance of torpedoes directly affects the safety of the launching platform, the concealment of the torpedo attack, and the effectiveness of wire-guided guidance. However, the current widely adopted vibration and noise reduction means show unsatisfactory effects in controlling the low and medium frequency vibration of torpedoes. In order to solve this problem, this paper investigated the vibration reduction method based on acoustic metamaterials for the power cabin of torpedoes. Firstly, the vibration response characteristics of the power cabin under axial excitation were analyzed, and a local resonance unit structure of the cantilever beam was designed. The bandgap characteristics and vibration reduction effect of the structure were analyzed. Then, for the supporting structure of the power cabin, a vibration reduction scheme based on acoustic metamaterials was proposed, and the simulation analysis finds that acoustic metamaterials have a significant inhibitory effect on vibration within the corresponding bandgap, and the attenuation of some measurement points can be as high as 11.95 dB. Finally, the validity of the vibration reduction scheme based on acoustic metamaterials is verified through tests, which provides an idea for solving the low and medium frequency vibration problem in the power cabin of the torpedo.
Key words:
- torpedo /
- power cabin /
- acoustic metamaterials /
- vibration and noise reduction
表 1 动力舱段材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of the power cabin
结构 材料 密度/(kg/m3) 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 壳体 铝合金 2 720 70.0 0.33 前支承
后支承铝合金 2 810 71.7 0.33 表 2 局域共振单元材料参数
Table 2. Material parameters of the local resonance unit
材料 密度/(kg/m3) 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 铝合金 2 720 70.0 0.330 有机树脂 1 153 2.1 0.400 铅 11 300 40.8 0.369 表 3 0~1 500 Hz内各测点加速度总振级对比
Table 3. Comparison of total acceleration level for each measurement point within 0~1 500 Hz
测点位置 振级/dB 原支承 声学超材料支承 总衰减量 P1(x) 104.04 99.74 4.30 P2(x) 106.20 103.30 2.90 P3(x) 91.06 85.46 5.60 P4(x) 92.28 84.02 8.26 P5(y) 79.31 76.18 3.13 P6(y) 82.82 76.24 6.58 P7(y) 78.01 71.61 6.40 表 4 0~1 500 Hz内各测点加速度总振级
Table 4. Total acceleration level for each measurement point within 0~1 500 Hz
测点位置 振级/dB 原支承 声学超材料支承 总衰减量 CH1 62.13 59.62 2.51 CH2 61.07 58.07 3.00 CH3 55.99 53.28 2.71 CH4 53.63 50.76 2.87 CH5 45.89 45.08 0.81 CH6 44.36 42.20 2.16 CH7 42.44 39.86 2.58 -
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