Multi-parameter Identification of Underwater Equipment Joint Motor
摘要: 随着水下无人系统的快速发展, 关节电机作为水下机器人、水下机械臂等水下装备的核心驱动装置发挥着重要的作用。文中针对不同工作环境影响下导致的关节电机参数改变, 从而引起的电机控制的精确性和稳定性变差的问题, 开展电机多参数在线辨识研究。采用增加稳态工作点方法实现多参数的满秩辨识。同时, 为提高辨识方法的精度和鲁棒性, 研究了扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)和H∞滤波(HIF)算法在电机参数辨识方面的可行性, 进而提出了一种基于自适应EKF(AEKF)和自适应HIF(AHIF)的联合估计方法。通过仿真对比发现, 在参数辨识时, 所提出的AEKF+AHIF联合估计方法相较于AEKF算法稳态标准差最大减少了84.7%, 相较于AHIF算法精确度最大提升了91.7%。该联合估计方法可为水下装备关节电机的稳定高效运行提供理论和技术支撑。Abstract: With the rapid development of unmanned undersea systems, joint motors play an important role as the core driving devices of underwater robots, underwater manipulators, and other underwater equipment. In this paper, the on-line multi-parameter identification of an underwater joint motor is studied to solve the problem that the precision and stability of motor control are deteriorated due to the change of motor parameters under the influence of different working environments. Specifically, the method of increasing steady-state operating points is used to realize multi-parameter full rank identification. At the same time, to improve the accuracy and robustness of the identification method, this study investigates the feasibility of extended Kalman filter(EKF) and H∞ filter(H-infinity filter, HIF) in the identification of motor parameters. Then a new joint estimation method based on adaptive EKF(AEKF) and adaptive HIF(AHIF) is proposed. Through simulation comparison, it is found that in parameter identification, the steady-state standard deviation of the proposed AEKF+AHIF joint estimation method is reduced by 84.7% compared with that of the AEKF method, and the accuracy is increased by 91.7% compared with that of the AHIF method. The joint estimation method can provide theoretical and technical support for the stable and efficient operation of underwater joint motors.
表 1 仿真系统PMSM参数
Table 1. Parameters of the PMSM in simulation system
参数 数值 参数 数值 额定电压/V 24 d轴电感/µH 340 额定电流/A 2.5 q轴电感/µH 340 额定扭矩/(N·m) 0.3 定子电阻/mΩ 650 额定转速/(r/min) 1 200 转子磁链/Wb 0.003 3 转动惯量/(kg·m2) 1.8×10−5 极对数 14 表 2 额定工况下不同辨识方法性能对比
Table 2. Comparison of the performance of different identification methods under rated working conditions
参数 方法 均值 相对误差/% 标准差 均方根误差 ${L_{s}}$/μH AEKF 339.040 0.28 4.264 4.370 0 AHIF 342.840 0.84 0.900 2.980 0 AEKF+AHIF 339.260 0.22 2.232 2.350 0 ${R_{s}}$/mΩ AEKF 651.400 0.22 1.510 2.040 0 AHIF 694.520 6.85 0.970 54.220 0 AEKF+AHIF 653.700 0.57 1.030 3.850 0 $ \boldsymbol{\psi}_{f} $/(mWb) AEKF 3.293 1.11 0.438 0.438 3 AHIF 3.194 4.08 0.028 0.109 5 AEKF+AHIF 3.294 1.08 0.067 0.067 7 -
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