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曹越 俞建阳 汪思航 吕凌云 陈浮

曹越, 俞建阳, 汪思航, 等. 自然空化尾空泡内超声速射流流场特性数值研究仿真[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2024, 32(3): 516-524 doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0059
引用本文: 曹越, 俞建阳, 汪思航, 等. 自然空化尾空泡内超声速射流流场特性数值研究仿真[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2024, 32(3): 516-524 doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0059
CAO Yue, YU Jianyang, WANG Sihang, LÜ Lingyun, CHEN Fu. Numerical Simulation of Flow Field Characteristics of Supersonic Jet in Natural Cavitating Tail Cavity[J]. Journal of Unmanned Undersea Systems, 2024, 32(3): 516-524. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0059
Citation: CAO Yue, YU Jianyang, WANG Sihang, LÜ Lingyun, CHEN Fu. Numerical Simulation of Flow Field Characteristics of Supersonic Jet in Natural Cavitating Tail Cavity[J]. Journal of Unmanned Undersea Systems, 2024, 32(3): 516-524. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0059


doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0059
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(52006045).

    曹越:曹 越(2000-), 男, 在读硕士, 主要研究方向为跨介质多相耦合流动

  • 中图分类号: TJ630; U674

Numerical Simulation of Flow Field Characteristics of Supersonic Jet in Natural Cavitating Tail Cavity

  • 摘要: 为揭示自然空化尾空泡内超声速流场的演化规律与空泡内部的流场结构, 文中基于限体积法流体体积多相流模型, 对自然空化尾空泡内超声速射流流场展开仿真研究, 对比了不同空化数和来流攻角下的空泡内部流场参数分布, 得出如下结论: 自然空化尾空泡在超声速射流入射后, 空泡形态较稳定, 其演化主要集中在空泡尾部闭合处; 空泡内超声速射流流场发展主要受回射流影响, 无来流攻角时受回射流冲击, 射流轴向发展受抑, 轴向射流出现“回缩”现象, 有来流攻角时, 回射流位置发生偏移, 其剪切卷吸作用占主导, 射流轴向发展迅速; 航行器姿态的稳定性主要受来流冲击和表面高压区分布的影响, 空化数较小时, 增大来流攻角可大幅度增加航行器俯仰力矩。


  • 图  1  喷管结构参数

    Figure  1.  Parameters of the nozzle construction

    图  2  数值计算模型

    Figure  2.  Numerical calculation model

    图  3  网格示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of meshing

    图  4  喷管几何尺寸

    Figure  4.  Geometric dimensions of the nozzle

    图  5  壁面压力实验与数值仿真结果对比曲线

    Figure  5.  Results of wall pressure between experiment and numerical simulation

    图  6  数值仿真与实验结果对比

    Figure  6.  Comparison between numerical simulation results and experimental results

    图  7  来流攻角0°、空化数0.06下不同时刻空泡形态轮廓

    Figure  7.  The outline of the cavity with different moments at the incident flow angle of attack 0° and cavitation number 0.06

    图  8  尾空泡形态演化过程

    Figure  8.  Morphological evolution of the tail cavity

    图  9  空泡内射流初期流场演化过程

    Figure  9.  Evolution of initial flow field of jet in the cavity

    图  10  空泡内射流中后期流场演化过程

    Figure  10.  Evolution of the flow field in the middle and late period of jet in the cavity

    图  11  尾空泡内流场细节

    Figure  11.  Detail of the internal flow field of the tail cavity

    图  12  射流入射后空泡内部压力场分布

    Figure  12.  Distribution of the pressure field inside the cavitation after the jet injects

    图  13  回射流冲击后航行器底部压力分布

    Figure  13.  Pressure distribution at the bottom of the vehicle after the impact of the re-entrant jet

    图  14  航行器底部监测点压力

    Figure  14.  Pressure of monitoring points at the bottom of the vehicle

    图  15  射流核心区轴线监测点压力

    Figure  15.  Pressure of monitoring points on the axis of the core area of the jet

    图  16  空化数0.06时不同攻角下射流流场相分布

    Figure  16.  Phase distribution of jet flow field under different angles of attack at cavitation number 0.06

    图  17  流场结构细节

    Figure  17.  Details of flow field structure

    图  18  不同来流攻角下回射流对超声速射流的影响

    Figure  18.  Effect of re-entrant jet on supersonic jet under different angles of attack of incident flow

    图  19  空化数0.06时不同来流攻角下监测点P7压力值

    Figure  19.  Pressure of monitoring point P7 under different attack angles of incident flow with cavitation number 0.06

    图  20  不同空化数和来流攻角下航行器表面空泡形态变化

    Figure  20.  Cavity shape on the surface of the vehicle under different cavitation numbers and angles of attack of incident flow

    图  21  来流攻角影响下航行器力学特性

    Figure  21.  The mechanical characteristics of the vehicle under the influence of the incident flow angle of attack

    图  22  航行器附体空泡及周围压力场分布

    Figure  22.  The distribution of the cavity and surrounding pressure field of the vehicle

    图  23  不同空化数和来流攻角下航行器俯仰力矩随时间变化曲线

    Figure  23.  Curves of pitching moment of the vehicle with different cavitation numbers and angles of attack of incident flow

    图  24  空化数0.04、来流攻角2°下航行器附体空泡及压力场变化

    Figure  24.  Changes in cavity on the surface of the vehicle and the surrounding pressure field with the cavitation number 0.04 and the attack angle of incident flow 2°

    表  1  参数列表

    Table  1.   List of parameters

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