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陆德顺 张少谦 王浩宇 孙铁志

陆德顺, 张少谦, 王浩宇, 等. 跨介质飞潜器水面起降过程流场及运动特性研究[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2024, 32(3): 434-450 doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0042
引用本文: 陆德顺, 张少谦, 王浩宇, 等. 跨介质飞潜器水面起降过程流场及运动特性研究[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2024, 32(3): 434-450 doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0042
LU Deshun, ZHANG Shaoqian, WANG Haoyu, SUN Tiezhi. Flow Field and Motion Characteristics of Trans-Medium Submersible during Take-off and Landing on Water Surface[J]. Journal of Unmanned Undersea Systems, 2024, 32(3): 434-450. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0042
Citation: LU Deshun, ZHANG Shaoqian, WANG Haoyu, SUN Tiezhi. Flow Field and Motion Characteristics of Trans-Medium Submersible during Take-off and Landing on Water Surface[J]. Journal of Unmanned Undersea Systems, 2024, 32(3): 434-450. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0042


doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0042
基金项目: 基础科研项目资助(JCKY2022110C018).

    孙铁志(1986-), 男, 博士, 教授, 主要研究方向为跨介质水动力学.

  • 中图分类号: TJ630.1; U674

Flow Field and Motion Characteristics of Trans-Medium Submersible during Take-off and Landing on Water Surface

  • 摘要: 为探究跨介质飞潜器水面起降过程流场结构演变及自身运动特性, 基于计算流体动力学数值仿真技术, 耦合流体体积多相流模型、剪切应力传输 k-ω 湍流模型、Schnerr-Sauer空化模型以及Stokes 5阶非线性波理论, 构建了飞潜器水面起降的数值计算方法。分别对静水环境下飞潜器水面起飞过程、有/无波浪环境下飞潜器水面降落过程进行数值仿真, 分析了各过程飞潜器动力学响应、载荷变化情况以及自由液面流场演化过程。结果表明: 在整个静水环境下水面起飞过程中飞潜器均能保持稳定的姿态, 其周围流场结构及自由液面演化均具有强对称性; 在水面降落过程中, 飞潜器及导管底部受到较大的反向砰击力, 导致飞潜器姿态出现一定程度的振荡, 在经过多次衰减波动后能够快速恢复平稳状态;而波浪的存在会加大触水时刻飞潜器所受到的砰击载荷, 加剧飞潜器姿态的振荡, 延后姿态最终恢复平稳时间。


  • 图  1  计算模型几何尺寸

    Figure  1.  Geometric dimensions of computational model

    图  2  计算域设置

    Figure  2.  Setup of computing domain

    图  3  网格划分结果

    Figure  3.  Results of grid division

    图  4  静推仿真与试验结果对比

    Figure  4.  Comparison between simulation results and experiment results of static push

    图  5  风洞仿真与试验结果对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison between simulation results and experiment results of wind tunnel

    图  6  不同网格分辨率网格划分结果

    Figure  6.  Grid division results with different grid resolution

    图  7  楔形体入水空泡形态试验与仿真结果对比

    Figure  7.  Comparison of experimental and simulation results of wedge water-entry cavitation

    图  8  楔形体入水过程垂向位移时历曲线对比

    Figure  8.  Comparison of the time history curves of vertical displacement during wedge water-entry

    图  9  数值波浪水池模型

    Figure  9.  Model of numerical wave pool

    图  10  浪高仪布置情况

    Figure  10.  The layout of wave altimeter

    图  11  t=10 s时刻计算域中波浪波高分布情况

    Figure  11.  The wave height distribution in the calculation domain at time t=10 s

    图  12  x=2 m与x=4 m处波高时历曲线

    Figure  12.  The time history curves of wave height at x=2 m and x=4 m

    图  13  波浪环境下浮体垂向运动响应数值仿真与试验对比

    Figure  13.  Comparison between numerical simulation and experimental vertical motion response of floating body in wave environment

    图  14  起飞过程旋翼转速时历变化曲线

    Figure  14.  The time history curve of rotor speed during take-off process

    图  15  飞潜器起飞过程自由液面演变

    Figure  15.  Free liquid surface evolution during submersible take-off process

    图  16  飞潜器起飞过程俯仰角度时历曲线

    Figure  16.  The time history curve of submersible pitch angle during submersible take-off process

    图  17  飞潜器起飞过程轴向速度及位移时历曲线

    Figure  17.  The time history curves of submersible axial velocity and displacement during submersible take-off process

    图  18  飞潜器起飞过程旋翼截面流场发展

    Figure  18.  Fluid field evolution of rotor section during submersible take-off process

    图  19  飞潜器起飞过程轴向加速度时历曲线

    Figure  19.  The time history curves of submersible axial acceleration during submersible take-off process

    图  20  加速度峰值时刻自由液面演变结果

    Figure  20.  Evolution results of free liquid surface at peak acceleration time

    图  21  降落过程旋翼转速时历变化曲线

    Figure  21.  The time history curve of rotor speed during landing process

    图  22  飞潜器在静水环境下降落过程自由液面演变

    Figure  22.  Free liquid surface evolution during submersible landing process in a static water environment

    图  23  飞潜器降落过程俯仰角度时历曲线

    Figure  23.  The time history curve of submersible pitch angle during landing process

    图  24  触水后飞潜器俯仰姿态变化

    Figure  24.  Pitch attitude change of submersible after touching water

    图  25  飞潜器降落过程轴向速度及位移时历曲线

    Figure  25.  The time history curves of submersible axial velocity and displacement during landing process

    图  26  飞潜器降落过程轴向加速度时历曲线

    Figure  26.  The time history curves of submersible axial acceleration during landing process

    图  27  特殊时刻自由液面演变及飞潜器表面压力分布

    Figure  27.  Evolution of free liquid surface and surface pressure distribution of submersible at special times

    图  28  飞潜器在波浪环境下降落过程自由液面演变

    Figure  28.  Free liquid surface evolution during submersible landing process in wave environment

    图  29  飞潜器俯仰角度时历曲线对比

    Figure  29.  Comparison of pitch angle time history curves of submersible

    图  30  触水后飞潜器俯仰姿态变化对比

    Figure  30.  Comparison of pitch attitude change of submersible after touching water

    图  31  飞潜器轴向位移及速度时历曲线对比

    Figure  31.  Comparison of time history curves of submersible axial displacement and velocity

    图  32  飞潜器轴向加速度时历曲线对比

    Figure  32.  Comparison of axial acceleration time history curves of submersible

    图  33  t=1.549 s时刻波面演变及飞潜器表面压力分布对比

    Figure  33.  Comparison of wave surface evolution and surface pressure distribution of submersible at t=1.549 s

    表  1  不同网格分辨率设置及网格划分结果

    Table  1.   Different grid resolution settings and results of grid division

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    表  2  不同网格分辨率入水位移计算误差

    Table  2.   Calculation error of water-entry displacement with different grid resolution

    t/s 计算误差/%
    粗糙分辨率 中等分辨率 良好分辨率
    0.038 1 7.47 7.29 7.09
    0.087 4 3.80 3.53 3.27
    0.151 2 2.64 2.31 2.04
    0.222 6 3.99 3.60 3.32
    0.296 7 4.61 4.20 3.93
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