Research on Submarine Magnetic Field Simulation with Energized Coil
摘要: 通电线圈聚磁法因潜艇磁场模拟逼真度高、磁场分布特征和强度可调节、机动性好、环境依赖性低及安全性高等明显优势, 受到越来越多的关注。为更好指导通电线圈方式潜艇磁场模拟器设计, 深入研究其分布特性十分必要。文中给出潜艇空间磁场和任意通电导线空间磁场计算方法, 提出分体式三轴正交线圈潜艇磁场模拟工程方案, 对比研究该方案磁场与潜艇空间磁场分布特征。研究结果表明三轴正交线圈方式能较好地模拟潜艇空间磁场分布特征, 但不能完全反映分布尺度, 为潜艇磁场模拟提供了技术参考。Abstract: Due to the obvious advantages of high fidelity, adjustable magnetic field distribution and intensity, good maneuverability, low environmental dependence, and high safety of submarine magnetic field, the method of concentric magnetic field with energized coil has attracted more and more attention. It is necessary to conduct in-depth research on the distribution characteristics of the submarine magnetic field simulator with energized coil, so as to better guide its design. In this paper, the calculation methods of the spatial magnetic field of the submarine and the spatial magnetic field of arbitrary energized wire were given, and the submarine magnetic field simulation engineering scheme of the split-type three-axis orthogonal coil was proposed. The spatial magnetic field distribution characteristics of this scheme and the submarine were compared. The results show that the three-axis orthogonal coil method can simulate the spatial magnetic field distribution characteristics of a submarine well but cannot fully reflect the distribution scale, providing technical reference for submarine magnetic field simulation.
表 1 地磁场参数
Table 1. Geomagnetic field parameters
参数 符号 数值 总场/nT $ {B_e} $ 43994 磁偏角/(°) $ \alpha $ −1.890 磁倾角/(°) $ \beta $ 25.554 北向分量/nT $ B_{e\mathrm{N}} $ 39669 东向分量/nT $ B_{e\mathrm{E}} $ − 1309 地心分量/nT $ B_{e\mathrm{G}} $ 18977 表 2 潜艇参数
Table 2. Submarine parameters
参数 符号 数值 艇长/m $ 2a $ 110 艇宽/m $ 2b $ 10 相对磁导率 $ {\mu _r} $ 200 x向空化及消磁系数 $ {D_x} $ 0.021 y向空化及消磁系数 $ {D_y} $ 0.021 z向空化及消磁系数 $ {D_{\textit{z}}} $ 0.021 表 3 三轴正交线圈参数
Table 3. Parameters of three-axis orthogonal coil
参数 符号 数值 匝数 — 512 平均半径 $ {R_1},{R_2},{R_3} $ 0.256 m 聚磁系数 $ {D_1},{D_2},{D_3} $ 3.5 -
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