Maritime Cross-Domain Collaboration Networking Communication Technology Based on Broadband Cognitive Stacked Networks
摘要: 随着海上多平台远洋部署和强敌对抗形势日益严峻, 依托于短波(HF)、超短波(V/UHF)、微波等单频段海上无线通信技术已不能满足海上跨域协同作战对多链融合组网、动态资源分配和体系化抗干扰的通信保障需求。文中提出一种基于宽频认知层叠网的新型多链融合网络通信架构, 采用综合射频一体化前端进行宽频带射频资源管理, 通过统一带宽、统一时隙、统一时空形成数据链融合元模型, 在此基础上采用软件通信体系后端进行多链融合和层叠组网, 通过宽带频谱感知、认知频谱接入和任务驱动自适应组网等技术实现对空海潜等海上多域通信环境的动态适应和强敌对抗环境的认知决策, 可提升海上通信网络扩展、跨域传输和抗干扰通信能力。文中对宽频认知层叠网的关键技术进行了深入研究, 给出了宽频认知层叠网的可行技术途径, 可为本领域的体系架构设计和技术研究提供参考借鉴。Abstract: With the increasingly severe situation of enemy confrontation at sea, multi-platform deployment at the ocean is needed. Maritime wireless communication technology relying on single band including high frequency, very/ultra-high frequency, and microwave frequency can no longer meet the communication support needs of multi-link fusion networking, dynamic resource allocation, and systematic anti-interference for maritime cross-domain collaboration operations. A novel multi-link fusion network communication architecture based on broadband cognitive stacked networks was proposed. A comprehensive integrated radio frequency(RF) front-end was adopted for broadband RF resource management, and a data link fusion meta-model was formed by unifying bandwidth, time slot, and time and space. On this basis, a software communication system backend was adopted for multi-link fusion and stacked networking. Through technologies such as broadband spectrum sensing, cognitive spectrum access, and task-driven adaptive networking, dynamic adaptation to maritime multi-domain communication environments such as air, sea, and submarine was achieved, as well as cognitive decision-making in strong enemy confrontation environments. This could enhance the expansion, cross-domain transmission, and anti-interference communication capabilities of maritime communication networks. In-depth research on the key technologies of broadband cognitive stacked networks was conducted, and a feasible technical approach to broadband cognitive stacked networks was given, which could provide a reference for the system architecture design and technical research in this field.
表 1 典型海上跨域协同组网通信能力需求
Table 1. Requirements of typical maritime cross-domain cooperative networking communications capability
军种 平台
类型网络数量/个 作战距离 是否需要
抗干扰能力交互业务 时延 通信手段 空军 预警机 2~6 以基地为中心
5 000 km否 5 000 km 强抗干扰 话音、数据、
图片、视频秒级、毫秒级 卫通、短波、超短波、指控链 战斗机 100~200 以基地为中心
1 500 km是 3 000 km 强抗干扰 话音、数据、
图片、视频秒级、毫秒级 短波、超短波、指控链 海军 航母 1~2 以任务为中心,
全海域否 全海域 强抗干扰 话音、数据、
图片、视频秒级、毫秒级 卫通、短波、超短波、指控链 舰载机 24~48 以航母为中心
500 km是 500 km 强抗干扰 话音、数据、
图片、视频秒级、毫秒级 短波、超短波、指控链 直升机 12~24 是 500 km 强抗干扰 话音、数据、
图片、视频秒级、毫秒级 短波、超短波、指控链 舰艇 7~14 是 100 km 强抗干扰 话音、数据、
图片、视频秒级、毫秒级 卫通、短波、超短波、指控链 潜艇 1~6 以任务为中心,
全海域否 全海域 强抗干扰 话音、数据、
图片秒级、毫秒级 水声、短波 火箭军 导弹 1~16 2 500 km 是 2 500 km 强抗干扰 数据、图片 秒级、毫秒级 弹载链 总容量 300~400 -
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