Design of a Low-Power Cross-Domain Communication Buoy System
摘要: 为满足跨域协同作战中水下信息跨域出水通信需求, 结合浮标自身具备布放灵活、长时隐蔽且载荷灵活等特点, 设计了一种低功耗跨域通信浮标系统。 该系统可支持深海大深度布放、长时间静默值守, 以及唤醒后隐蔽性跨域通信, 同时还可根据预设指令进行关键部位自毁, 通过该方式可避免潜艇等水下平台上浮通信的暴露性风险, 且相对易部署和自持。测试结果表明, 所设计的系统具有耐高压和低功耗等特点, 并具有一定扩展性和良好的应用前景。Abstract: To meet the cross-domain surfaced communication requirements of underwater information in cross-domain cooperative operations, a low-power cross-domain communication buoy system was designed by taking advantage of the buoy’s flexible deployment, long-term concealment, and flexible payload characteristics. This system mainly supported deep-sea deployment at great depths and long-term silent watch and concealed cross-domain communication upon activation. Additionally, it could autonomously destruct critical components according to preset instructions, thus avoiding the exposure risk of surfaced communication on underwater platforms such as submarines, and it is relatively easy to deploy and sustain. Test results indicate that the designed system features high pressure resistance, low power consumption, and certain scalability, offering good prospects for application.
Key words:
- buoy /
- cross-domain communication /
- low-power consumption /
- self-destruction
表 1 功耗测试
Table 1. Power consumption test
模式 功率/W 测试时间/h 测试总功耗/(W·h) 一级值班 0.015 10.2 0.153 二级值班 12.100 4.2 50.820 -
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