Defense Strategy for Suicide Unmanned Surface Vessels Based on Sea and Air Unmanned Clusters
摘要: 近期俄乌战场上自杀式无人艇的运用被高度关注, 针对反自杀式无人艇袭扰这一问题, 文中通过“无人对无人”的思想, 提出一种以无人艇、无人机等低成本平台为基础, 具备“协同赋能、自主管控、敏捷响应”的新型反自杀式无人艇袭扰概念。统筹运用多个轻量化、具备简单交互和自主决策能力的无人艇、无人机等平台, 通过分析典型自杀式无人艇能力, 研究海空协同任务分配与规划、跨平台协同侦察定位等关键技术, 构建新型侦察防御无人系统, 不仅能全天候准实时覆盖重点防御区域, 针对入侵可疑目标做到敏捷确认、即察即打, 还能拓展高价值目标的防御纵深、构建多层防御带, 应对自杀式无人艇集群的“狼群”式袭击。Abstract: The recent use of unmanned surface vessels(USVs) in the Russia-Ukraine conflict has received much attention. To prevent the attacks of suicide USVs, the idea of using unmanned platforms to counter USVs was followed, and a new concept of preventing the attacks of suicide USVs by using low-cost platforms such as USVs and unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) featuring “collaborative enabling, autonomous control, and agile response” was proposed. Multiple lightweight USVs, UAVs, and unmanned platforms with simple interaction and autonomous decision-making capabilities were used. By analyzing the capabilities of typical suicide USVs, key technologies such as sea and air collaborative task assignment and planning and cross-platform collaborative reconnaissance and positioning were studied, so as to build a new unmanned reconnaissance and defense system. This system not only ensured all-weather and quasi-real-time coverage of key defense areas but also achieved agile confirmation and immediate response to invading suspicious targets. Furthermore, it expanded the defense depth of high-value targets and established multiple layers of defense against the attacks of suicide USVs in clusters.
表 1 典型自杀式无人艇能力分析表
Table 1. Analysis of the capability of typical suicide USV
无人艇型号 艇长/m 排水量/kg 作战半径/km 最大航程/kg 续航时间/h 最大航速/kn 通信手段 控制方式 传感器 有效载荷/kg 半潜式 5.5 1 000 400 800 60 42 StarLink 可自主航行 光电、红外 200 MAGURA V5 5.5 — — 830 60 40 StarLink 可自主航行 光电、红外 320 SEABABY — — — — — — StarLink 可自主航行 光电、红外 800 表 2 “扫描鹰”无人侦察机性能参数
Table 2. Performance parameters of the Scanning Eagel unmanned reconnaissance aircraft
性能参数 参数值 长/m 1.2 翼展/m 3.1 空重/kg 12.0 最大起飞质量/kg 18.0 任务载荷/kg 3.2 巡航速度/(km/h) 90.0 最大飞行速度/(km/h) 120.0 最大飞行高度/m 4 800.0 表 3 第1波次打击处置统计表
Table 3. Table of the first batch of strike damage
目标 是否击毁 距离防御中心距离/m 0001 是 10 353.2 0002 否 — 0003 是 10 195.0 0004 是 11 459.5 表 4 第2波次打击处置统计表
Table 4. Table of the second batch of strike damage
目标 是否击毁 距离防御中心距离/m 0002 是 6 623.4 0005 是 7 284.6 0006 是 10 777.7 -
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