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王余 熊永亮 田轩麾 周福昌 刘翱 孙国仓

王余, 熊永亮, 田轩麾, 等. 不同头型回转体高速入水运动过程对比研究[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2024, 32(3): 451-462 doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0028
引用本文: 王余, 熊永亮, 田轩麾, 等. 不同头型回转体高速入水运动过程对比研究[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2024, 32(3): 451-462 doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0028
WANG Yu, XIONG Yongliang, TIAN Xuanhui, ZHOU Fuchang, LIU Ao, SUN Guocang. Comparison of High-Speed Water Entry Movement Process of Axisymmetric Bodies with Different Head Shapes[J]. Journal of Unmanned Undersea Systems, 2024, 32(3): 451-462. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0028
Citation: WANG Yu, XIONG Yongliang, TIAN Xuanhui, ZHOU Fuchang, LIU Ao, SUN Guocang. Comparison of High-Speed Water Entry Movement Process of Axisymmetric Bodies with Different Head Shapes[J]. Journal of Unmanned Undersea Systems, 2024, 32(3): 451-462. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0028


doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2024-0028
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目资助(11872187).

    熊永亮(1981-), 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要研究方向为水下航行器减阻降噪与跨介质飞行器降载技术.

  • 中图分类号: TJ630; U674

Comparison of High-Speed Water Entry Movement Process of Axisymmetric Bodies with Different Head Shapes

  • 摘要: 跨介质回转体高速入水是一个瞬态流动过程, 涉及到回转体与气相和液相的复杂多相流动。文中基于雷诺时均方程, 并考虑自然空化现象的多相流模型, 建立了入水空泡动力学数值模型, 并研究了不同头型回转体垂直入水过程运动特性和流体动力的影响规律。通过数值仿真结果与相关文献试验结果对比, 验证了模型和数值方法的有效性。结果表明, 不同头型回转体入水后的空泡特征与运动速度规律有很大的差异, 相应瞬态阻力系数也表现出很大差异; 在空泡闭合前, 体现出明显的回射流效应, 并影响空泡形态与回转体阻力的变化; 回转体的入水速度对空泡尺寸和冲击载荷具有非常直接的影响, 入水速度较低时回转体速度衰减相对更快, 阻力系数相对更大。


  • 图  1  不同网格下无量纲速度对比曲线

    Figure  1.  Comparison of dimensionless speeds under different grid numbers

    图  2  不同头型回转体尺寸

    Figure  2.  Sizes of axisymmetric bodies with different head shapes

    图  3  入水速度80 m/s下回转体不同时刻水相体积分数云图

    Figure  3.  Contours of water phase volume fraction of the axisymmetric body at different moments with velocity of water-entry of 80 m/s

    图  4  不同入水速度下平头型回转体入水空泡头部横截面径向压力和水相径向速度曲线

    Figure  4.  Radial pressures and water phase radial velocities of the head cross section of water-entry cavity for the flat-head axisymmetric body under different water-entry velocities

    图  5  不同入水速度下球头型回转体入水空泡头部横截面径向压力和水相径向速度曲线

    Figure  5.  Radial pressures and water phase radial velocities of the head cross section of water-entry cavity for the spherical-head axisymmetric body under different water-entry velocities

    图  6  不同入水速度下60°锥型回转体入水空泡头部横截面径向压力和水相径向速度曲线

    Figure  6.  Radial pressures and water phase radial velocities of the head cross section of water-entry cavity for the 60° conical axisymmetric body under different water-entry velocities

    图  7  不同入水速度下平头型回转体入水空泡尾部横截面径向压力和水相径向速度曲线

    Figure  7.  Radial pressures and water phase radial velocities of the tail cross section of water-entry cavity for the flat-head axisymmetric body under different water-entry velocities

    图  8  不同入水速度下球头型回转体入水空泡尾部横截面径向压力和水相径向速度曲线

    Figure  8.  Radial pressures and water phase radial velocities of the tail cross section of water-entry cavity for the spherical-head axisymmetric body under different water-entry velocities

    图  9  不同入水速度下60°锥型回转体入水空泡尾部横截面径向压力和水相径向速度曲线

    Figure  9.  Radial pressures and water phase radial velocities of the tail cross section of water-entry cavity for the 60° conical axisymmetric body under different water-entry velocities

    图  10  不同入水速度下不同头型回转体空泡最大半径随深度变化曲线

    Figure  10.  The maximum radius of the cavity of the axisymmetric bodies with different head shapes versus depths under different water-entry velocities

    图  11  不同入水速度下不同头型回转体空泡长度随深度变化曲线

    Figure  11.  The length of the cavity of axisymmetric bodies with different head shapes versus depth under different water-entry velocities

    图  12  不同入水速度下不同头型回转体无量纲速度随时间变化曲线

    Figure  12.  Dimensionless velocity curves of axisymmetric bodies with different head shapes versus time under different water-entry velocities

    图  13  运动末期不同头型回转体无量纲速度对比曲线

    Figure  13.  Dimensionless velocity curves of axisymmetric bodies with different head shapes at the end of the movement

    图  14  不同入水速度下不同头型回转体阻力系数随时间变化曲线

    Figure  14.  Drag coefficient curves of axisymmetric bodies with different head shapes versus time under different water-entry velocities

    图  15  不同时刻不同头型回转体瞬时阻力系数对比曲线

    Figure  15.  Instantaneous drag coefficient curves of axisymmetric bodies with different head shapes at different moments

    图  16  不同入水速度下不同头型回转体过载随时间变化曲线

    Figure  16.  Overload cursev of axisymmetric bodies with different head shapes versus time under different water-entry velocities

    图  17  不同时刻不同头型回转体过载曲线对比

    Figure  17.  Overload curves of axisymmetric bodies with different head shapes at different moments

    图  18  不同入水速度下不同头型回转体最大压强随时间变化曲线

    Figure  18.  The maximum pressure curves of axisymmetric bodies with different head shapes versus time under different water-entry velocities

    图  19  不同时刻不同头型回转体最大压强对比曲线

    Figure  19.  The maximum pressure curves of axisymmetric bodies with different head shapes at different moments

    表  1  网格与时间步设置及速度误差

    Table  1.   Setup of grid number and time step, and velocitgy errors

    序号 网格数 内层网格
    1 66万 0.05 1.18 0.20
    2 46万 0.07 1.65 1.00
    3 32万 0.10 2.36 4.00
    4 22万 0.14 3.30 8.50
    5 15万 0.20 4.72 13.80
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