Modeling and Motion Control of Underwater Snake Robot
摘要: 针对水下蛇形机器人在复杂水下环境自主游动难问题, 设计了一种水下蛇形机器人机构。基于蛇类运动机理建立运动学模型, 提出一种基于模糊控制和中枢模式生成(CPG)的运动控制方法, 通过对单个Hopf振荡器模型中极限环的稳定性进行分析, 搭建由多个Hopf振荡器构建形成的具有双耦合链条网拓结构的CPG模型, 引入模糊控制器与CPG模型一起构成闭环控制网络。对水下蛇形机器人进行仿真和实验结果表明, 样机可实现直线蜿蜒运动、左右转弯运动和U型运动实验, 在3种运动模式中, 水下蛇形机器人不仅拥有良好的稳定性, 而且能够保持优越的灵活性与机动性。Abstract: To address the autonomous swimming difficulty of an underwater snake robot in a complex underwater environment, this study designed an underwater snake robot mechanism. A kinematic model was established based on the snake motion mechanism, and a motion control method based on fuzzy control and a central pattern generator(CPG) was proposed. The CPG model was constructed by several Hopf oscillators with double-coupled chain network structure after the stability analysis of the limit cycle in a single Hopf oscillator model, and a fuzzy controller and the CPG model were introduced to form a closed-loop control network. The simulation and experiment of an underwater snake robot were carried out. The prototype can complete the experiments of linear meandering movement, left and right turning movement, and U-shaped movement. The experimental results show that the underwater snake robot not only has good stability but also can maintain superior flexibility and maneuverability in the three motion modes.
Key words:
- underwater snake robot /
- fuzzy controller /
- central pattern generator /
- motion control
表 1 模糊控制规则库
Table 1. Fuzzy control rule library
e $ \Delta e $ 比值 集合 N Z P
$ \Delta {p}_{i}/\Delta {\theta }_{i} $NB PB PB PB NS PS PS PB ZE PS ZE NS PS NS NS NB PB NB NB NB -
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