Domain-Adaptive Underwater Target Detection Method Based on GPA + CBAM
摘要: 针对水下目标检测易出现域偏移而导致检测精度下降的现象, 文中提出了基于图诱导原型对齐(GPA)的域自适应水下目标检测方法。该方法通过区域建议之间基于图的信息传播得到图像中的实例级特征, 导出每个类别的原型表示用于类别级域对齐, 从而聚合水下目标的不同模态信息, 以此实现源域和目标域的对齐, 减少域偏移带来的影响; 同时添加了卷积块注意模块(CBAM), 使神经网络能够专注于不同水域分布下的实例级特征。实验结果证明该方法能够有效提高发生域偏移时的检测精度。Abstract: Underwater target detection is often more susceptible to domain shift and reduced detection accuracy. In response to this phenomenon, this article proposed a domain-adaptive underwater target detection method based on graph-induced prototype alignment(GPA). GPA obtained instance-level features in the image through graph-based information propagation between region proposals and then derived prototype representations for category-level domain alignment. The above operations could effectively aggregate different modal information of underwater targets, thereby achieving alignment between the source and target domains and reducing the impact of domain shift. In addition, in order to make the neural network focus on instance-level features under different water domain distributions, a convolutional block attention module(CBAM) was added. The experimental results have shown that the proposed method can effectively improve detection accuracy during domain shift.
表 1 水下数据集和公共数据集实验结果
Table 1. Experimental result of underwater dataset and public dataset
数据集 类别 精度/% 基线 GPA DA 文中方法 URPC2020→HMRD 海参 41.7 48.1 49.2 52.0 海胆 62.3 67.9 68.1 69.7 海星 47.4 54.7 58.6 60.1 平均值 50.3 56.9 58.6 60.6 VOC12→VOC07 自行车 73.7 76.0 77.0 74.5 鸟 69.3 68.1 75.0 68.6 轿车 72.1 74.2 82.1 74.6 牛 77.2 75.3 79.3 77.1 狗 80.0 84.2 83.3 83.4 人 76.2 77.8 76.0 77.6 沙发 60.1 61.8 71.4 63.5 火车 88.3 85.9 77.6 88.5 平均值 74.6 75.4 77.7 76.0 表 2 公共数据集Sim10k→cityscapes实验结果
Table 2. Experimental result of public dataset Sim10k→cityscapes
方法 精度/% 基线 34.9 GPA 46.1 DA 45.8 文中方法 48.3 -
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