Theories and Experiments of Torpedo Shaped Charge Warhead Penetration into Water-partitioned Armor
摘要: 为了合理预测鱼雷聚能战斗部对含水复合装甲的侵彻威力, 基于A-T模型和两阶段孔径增长理论, 并结合基于虚拟原点理论的侵彻体侵彻过程分析, 提出了对含水复合装甲侵彻深度和穿孔直径的理论模型。开展了缩比鱼雷聚能战斗部侵彻含水复合装甲试验研究, 其中鱼雷头段分别采用单层铝板和累计一定厚度的间隔铝板模拟, 同步开展侵彻威力数值仿真。对理论计算、仿真和试验结果进行了对比分析, 验证了理论模型的合理性。相关研究可以为鱼雷聚能战斗部威力快速预测、优化设计以及针对潜艇防护结构尺寸及参数特性的大威力新型聚能战斗部技术研究提供支撑。Abstract: To reasonably predict the penetration power of a torpedo shaped charge warhead into water-partitioned armor, a theoretical model for calculating the generated penetration depth and aperture diameters was proposed based on the A-T model and the two-step mechanism of aperture growth in combination with the penetrator penetration process analysis based on the virtual origin theory. The experiments and simulations for a reduced-scale torpedo shaped charge warhead penetration into water-partitioned armor targets were conducted, in which a single-layer aluminum plate and the spaced aluminum plates with a certain cumulative thickness were used to simulate the torpedo heads. Calculations, simulations, and experimental results were then compared and analyzed, which verified the rationality of the theoretical model. The research can provide support for the penetration power prediction and the optimization design of torpedo shaped charge warheads, as well as the technical research of new powerful torpedo shaped charge warheads to more effectively destroy the submarine protective structure.
Key words:
- torpedo /
- shaped charge warhead /
- water-partitioned armor /
- theoretical calculation /
- penetration power
表 1 6种材料模型参数
Table 1. Model parameters of the six materials
DNAN基高能炸药 紫铜 2A12铝 45钢 水 空气 参数 数值 参数 数值 参数 数值 参数 数值 参数 数值 参数 数值 ρ/(g/cm3) 1.73 ρ/(g/cm3) 8.96 ρ/(g/cm3) 2.77 ρ/(g/cm3) 7.89 ρ/(g/cm3) 1 C0 0 D/(m/s) 7980 G/GPa 46 G/GPa 25.9 G/GPa 77 γ 0.28 C1 10−5 P/GPa 29.7 A/GPa 0.09 A/GPa 0.265 A/GPa 0.507 C/(m/s) 1 483 C2 0 A/GPa 588.3 B/GPa 0.292 B/GPa 0.426 B/GPa 0.32 Si 1.75 C3 0 B/GPa 12.9 n 0.31 n 0.34 n 0.28 C4 0.4 R1 4.38 C 0.025 C 0.015 C 0.064 C5 0.4 R2 1.2 m 1.09 m 1 m 1.06 C6 0 ω 0.36 Tm/K 1356 Tm/K 775 Tm/K 1 795 Tr/K 300 Tr/K 294 Tr/K 298 表 2 聚能侵彻体成型参数
Table 2. The forming parameters of the shaped charge penetrator
位置 距坐标原点距离/(mm) 速度/(m/s) 直径/(mm) 1 280.2 3 254 6.49 2 267.9 3 245 10.91 3 256.0 3 108 11.83 4 244.3 2 894 13.10 5 229.6 2 608 15.00 6 217.9 2 350 18.15 7 206.2 1 985 26.72 8 194.3 1 573 23.02 9 179.7 1 358 22.17 10 165.1 1 354 6.21 表 3 理论计算、仿真与试验结果对比
Table 3. Comparison of results of the calculation, simulation and the experiment
项目 方法 耐压壳模拟靶孔径/mm 后效靶1孔径/mm 后效靶2孔径/mm 后效靶3孔径/mm 总体侵彻深度/mm 项目一 试验 ϕ41.3 ϕ62.3 ϕ58.7 ϕ39.9 814 计算 ϕ36.2(12.4%) ϕ35.9(42.4%) ϕ35.6(39.4%) ϕ35.2(11.8%) 822(1.0%) 仿真 ϕ44.5(7.7%) ϕ54.3(12.8%) ϕ50.4(14.1%) — 797(2.1%) 项目二 试验 ϕ27.3 ϕ35.3 ϕ29.6 ϕ32.3 976 计算 ϕ30.0(9.9%) ϕ29.7(15.9%) ϕ29.4(0.7%) ϕ29.1(9.9%) 969(0.7%) 仿真 ϕ32.1(17.6%) ϕ40.1(13.6%) ϕ34.3(15.9%) — 947(3.0%) -
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