Effectiveness Evaluation of Underwater Heterogeneous Platforms Based on ADC Model
摘要: 装备集群作业逐步成为提高水下任务效能的关键途径, 传统可用性、可信性和固有能力(ADC)模型对多型装备构成的水下异构平台任务进行协同能力评估存在一定困难。选取以时间为变量的可靠性指标、续航能力指标和通信性能指标, 建立树结构的指标综合模型, 能够对协同因素进行数值量化, 客观反映平台任务过程中的协同能力变化。以此为依据将能力矩阵进行连续化处理, 并以装备个体为分系统, 引入环境影响因子反映周边环境对装备性能的影响, 建立改进型ADC模型用于系统效能评估。以自主水下航行器和通信节点构成的水下异构平台为例, 对任务周期内的装备能力及平台效能进行评估。研究结果表明, 该方法能够很好地结合多个协同因素进行效能评估, 具有可行性和有效性, 可以为多类型装备协同作业任务效能评估提供参考。Abstract: Equipment clusters are gradually emerging as a key way to improve the efficiency of underwater tasks. Traditional availability dependability capacity(ADC) models make it difficult to evaluate the collaborative ability of an underwater heterogeneous platform composed of multi-type equipment. The reliability, endurance, and communication performance indicators with time variables were selected, and a comprehensive model of the tree structure was established, which could quantify the collaborative factors numerically and objectively reflect the changes in collaborative ability during the platform task process. Based on this, the capability matrix was continuously processed, and the equipment individual was taken as a subsystem. Environmental impact factors were introduced to reflect the influence of the surrounding environment on the equipment performance. An improved ADC model was established for system effectiveness evaluation. By taking the underwater heterogeneous platform composed of autonomous undersea vehicles and communication nodes as an example, the equipment capability and platform effectiveness within the task cycle were evaluated. The research results indicate that this method can be well combined with multiple collaborative factors for effectiveness evaluation, which is feasible and effective and can provide a reference for the effectiveness evaluation of collaborative operation tasks of multi-type equipment.
表 1 t时刻各装备能力
Table 1. Equipment capacities at t times
能力类型 装备1 装备2 ··· 装备n 可靠性 R1(t) R2(t) ··· Rn(t) 续航能力 T1(t) T2(t) ··· Tn(t) 表 2 水下异构平台状态
Table 2. Status of underwater heterogeneous platforms
水下异构平台可能存在的状态 状态 AUV1 AUV2 AUV3 Point1 & Point2 备注 Ca1 1 1 1 1 1代表正常,
0代表故障Ca2 1 1 0 1 Ca3 1 0 1 1 Ca4 1 0 0 1 Ca5 0 1 1 1 Ca6 0 1 0 1 Ca7 0 0 1 1 Ca8 0 0 0 1 表 3 水下异构平台可靠性参数
Table 3. Reliability parameters of underwater heterogeneous platforms
水下异构平台 故障率 正常工作概率 AUV1 0.0052 0.9506 AUV2 0.0062 0.9702 AUV3 0.0062 0.9702 -
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