High-Precision Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Deep-Sea Microtopography Based on Monocular Camera
摘要: 在深海矿产资源勘查和极端环境探测中, 利用光学相机搭载水下移动平台获取海底的光学影像资料成为当前深海精细探测的重要方式。文中针对深海微地形地貌的高精度探测需求, 开展了基于单目相机的深海微地形地貌高精度三维重建方法研究。通过水下遥控航行器搭载的单目相机, 获取了我国海域水合物赋存区的大量图像, 基于此, 利用运动恢复结构方法建立了典型海域内沙波区、碳酸盐岩区和冷泉区的海底三维模型, 精细刻画出区域内的地形地貌特征和生物生态信息。研究结果表明, 文中方法可为深海表生矿产资源勘查和极端环境探测提供重要支撑。Abstract: In the exploration of deep-sea mineral resources and detection of extreme environments, the use of optical cameras mounted on mobile underwater platforms to obtain optical image data of the seafloor now becomes an important method of deep-sea fine detection. To meet the demand for high-precision detection of deep-sea microtopography, the high-precision three-dimensional(3D) reconstruction method of deep-sea microtopography based on a monocular camera was studied. The monocular camera mounted on the underwater remotely operated vehicle acquired many images of the hydrate-rich areas in China waters. On this basis, the 3D seafloor models of the sand wave area, carbonate rock area, and cold spring area in the typical sea area were constructed using the structure from motion(SFM) method, and the topographic and geomorphological features and bio-ecological information were finely delineated. The results show that this method can provide important support for the exploration of deep-sea epigenetic mineral resources and the detection of extreme environments.
表 1 重建结果相关参数
Table 1. Relevant parameters for reconstruction results
点云模型 稀疏重建
误差海底岩石重建点云 44 839 961 746 0.18 海底沙坡重建点云 22 053 760 421 0.21 海底局部重建点云 94 612 1 346 101 0.12 表 2 不同算法的三维重建评估指标
Table 2. 3D reconstruction evaluation indexes for different algorithms
重建评估指标 传统PSR Delaunay
因子的PSR最大偏差/mm 0.16 0.13 0.11 平均偏差距离/mm 0.08 0.07 0.06 标准偏差/mm 0.09 0.06 0.07 均方根误差/mm 0.11 0.08 0.06 重建所需时间/s 680 322 486 -
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