Underwater Potential Characteristics of Static Electric Field Related to Ship Corrosion
摘要: 为深入分析舰船静电场信号特征, 在船模试验和海上平面电位测量阵列实测数据的基础上, 对舰船腐蚀相关静态电场水下电位特征进行研究。首先根据船模试验分析了阴极保护系统工作下的舰船静电场信号特征, 发现阴极保护系统对静电场信号的量级影响较大; 其次对海上实测数据获得的典型舰船水下电位信号进行时域和频域上的分析, 结果表明, 静电场能量主要集中在0~0.1 Hz频段内; 最后根据水下电位分布规律, 发现以12 dB作为检测门限时, 在240 m以浅深度, 相邻传感器之间的距离不大于320 m时, 传感器阵列才能准确探测水面等效源强度为10 A·m的舰船电场。Abstract: In order to deeply analyze the characteristics of the ship’s static electric field signals, the underwater potential characteristics of static electric field related to ship corrosion were studied based on the ship model test and the measured data of the planar potential measurement array at sea. Firstly, based on the ship model test, the characteristics of the ship’s static electric field signals under the cathodic protection system were analyzed, and it was found that the cathodic protection system had a great influence on the magnitude of static electric field signals. Secondly, the time domain and frequency domain of underwater potential signals of typical ships obtained from the measured data at sea were analyzed. The results show that the static electric field energy is mainly concentrated in the frequency band of 0-0.1 Hz. Finally, according to the distribution rule of underwater potential, it is found that when 12 dB is taken as the detection threshold, and the distance between adjacent sensors is no more than 320 m at a shallow depth of 240 m, the sensor array can accurately detect the ship’s electric field with a surface equivalent source intensity of 10 A·m.
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