Quality Comparison Model and Method of DC/DC Power Modules for Torpedoes
摘要: 为了能够有效识别和甄选出可供鱼雷使用的性能优良、质量可靠的DC/DC电源模块, 提出了一种鱼雷DC/DC电源模块质量比测模型, 该模型的建立以DC/DC电源模块工作原理和失效模式以及鱼雷使用中出现的故障为切入点, 从性能与功能、结构与形成、设计开发过程、质量保证能力等多个维度总结和分析了对鱼雷DC/DC电源模块质量有相对重要影响的关注点, 进而提炼出相关要素构建了鱼雷DC/DC电源模块质量比测通用模型。在此基础上重点对性能与功能、结构与形成等方面的比测方法进行了研究, 同时, 根据比测模型和鱼雷产品应用场景, 对比测结果的判定提出依据和方法。质量比测模型、比测方法及相关判据的研究, 为鱼雷产品选用DC/DC电源模块提供了系统解决方案, 同时也为鱼雷电路可靠性分析和保障提供了理论支撑。Abstract: In order to effectively identify and select DC/DC power modules with great performance and reliable quality available for torpedoes, a quality comparison model of the DC/DC power module for torpedoes was proposed. The model was based on the working principle and failure mode of the DC/DC power module, with the faults during torpedo operation as the starting point. This paper summarized and analyzed the concerns that have an important influence on the quality of the DC/DC power module for torpedoes from the aspects of performance and function, structure and formation, design and development process, and quality assurance. Then, the related factors were extracted, and a general model of quality comparison of the DC/DC power module for torpedoes was constructed. On this basis, the comparison methods for performance and function, as well as structure and formation were studied. At the same time, the basis and method for the comparison results were put forward according to the comparison model and the application scenario of torpedo products. The research on quality comparison model, comparison method, and the basis of comparison results provides a system solution for selecting DC/DC power modules for torpedo products and provides support for the reliability analysis and guarantee of torpedo circuit.
Key words:
- torpedo /
- DC/DC power module /
- failure mode /
- quality comparison model /
- comparison method
表 1 DC/DC电源模块主要失效模式与机理
Table 1. Main failure mode and mechanism of DC/DC power module
失效模式 失效部位 失效机理 电学参数
漂移分立器件 参数漂移 IC 片式电阻、电容 开路 分立器件、IC 焊料层疲劳 有机胶层老化 器件老化降级 键合引线 键合引线腐蚀 键合引线颈部断裂 短路 分立器件、IC 器件短路 焊/粘料短路 焊料中锡离子迁移 导电胶中银离子迁移 键合引线短路 键合引线与芯片短路 引线之间相碰 表 2 鱼雷产品关注的DC/DC电源模块功能性能电参数
Table 2. Function, performance and electrical parameters of DC/DC power module for torpedo products
静态参数 动态参数 输出电压VO 启动延时TTR 输出电流IO 输入电压跃变时输出响应VVOR 电压调整率SV 输入电压跃变时恢复时间TVOR 电流调整率SI 负载跃变时输出响应VLOR 输入电流II 负载跃变时恢复时间TLOR 效率η — 输出纹波电压VRIP — 表 3 鱼雷DC/DC电源模块质量比测模型各层级指标权重
Table 3. Weight of indicators at each level of quality comparison model of DC/DC power module for torpedoes
1级指标 2级指标 3级指标 指标名称 指标
权重指标名称 指标
权重指标名称 指标
权重性能与功能 0.3318 外部特征 0.3158 结构尺寸 0.5491 质量 0.4509 特殊环
境适应0.2631 高温 0.3818 振动 0.6182 基本功能
性能参数0.4211 VO 0.0573 IO 0.0692 SV 0.0705 SI 0.0471 II 0.0621 η 0.0967 VRIP 0.0782 TTR 0.0804 VVOR 0.1086 TVOR 0.0992 VLOR 0.1104 TLOR 0.1203 结构与形成 0.3152 元器件
和材料0.2868 元器件选用 0.4232 材料检查 0.3396 封装管壳和引脚
材料镀层检查0.2372 结构与布局 0.2757 元件布局符合性 0.1391 焊点布局合理性 0.1806 电极结构符合性 0.2429 内部焊接质量 0.4374 生产工艺 0.4375 键合强度 0.1638 密封工艺 0.2972 粘接工艺 0.5390 设计开发
过程考察0.1854 — — 质量保证
能力考察0.1676 — — 表 4 评级建立
Table 4. Establishment of evaluation grade
评分 评级 (85~100] 优秀 (70~85] 良好 [60~70] 中等 [0~60) 差 -
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