Real - Time Detection and Communication System for Underwater Acoustic Gliders and Their Offshore Experimental
摘要: 针对水下声学滑翔机在执行水下观探测任务过程中, 需等待当前剖面滑翔结束上浮至水面进行信息交互, 无法实时回传数据信息的问题,文中提出一种水下声学滑翔机探测通信系统, 利用水声通信技术将水下声学滑翔机探测到的数据信息发送给波浪滑翔器, 其作为通信中继可将数据信息透明转发至岸基中心, 从而实现近似实时的探测通信数据传输。文中介绍了水下声学滑翔机探测通信系统的结构组成和信息传输链路, 着重介绍了水下声学滑翔机的探测通信青岛外海试验情况, 并对试验数据进行处理分析。试验验证了水下声学滑翔机探测通信系统的正确性和可行性, 为后续国内水下无人平台集群协作及编队组网应用提供参考。Abstract: While performing underwater observation and detection, the underwater acoustic glider needs to finish the current profile glide to float to the surface for information exchange and thus fails to realize real-time data information return. In this paper, a detection and communication system for underwater acoustic gliders was proposed. The underwater acoustic communication technology was used to send the data information detected by the underwater acoustic glider to the wave glider. As a communication relay, the wave glider can transparently forward the data to the shore-based center, so as to realize the approximate real-time detection and communication data transmission. This paper introduced the structure, composition, and information transmission link of the detection and communication system for underwater acoustic gliders, emphatically discussed;the detection and communication test of underwater acoustic gliders in sea areas near Qingdao, and analyzed the test data. The test verifies the correctness and feasibility of the detection and communication system for underwater acoustic gliders and provides a reference for the subsequent application of Chinese underwater unmanned platform cluster cooperation and formation networking.
表 1 水下声学滑翔机发送数据与岸基中心接收数据对比
Table 1. Comparison of data sent by the underwater acoustic glider and received by the shore-based center
水下声学滑翔机发送端 岸基中心接收端 传输时延差/min 发送时刻 声源方位角/(°) 接收时刻 声源方位角/(°) 09:01:45 342.35 09:04 342.350 3 09:03:00 337.16 09:05 337.155 2 09:05:54 323.29 09:20 323.292 14 11:36:38 138.74 11:54 138.736 18 12:22:12 231.72 12:24 231.724 2 12:28:52 187.85 12:33 187.850 5 12:24:56 210.53 12:34 210.533 10 12:33:27 146.95 12:36 146.950 3 12:33:27 146.95 12:36 146.950 3 12:41:48 103.29 12:46 103.293 5 12:41:48 103.29 12:46 103.293 5 12:48:30 55.13 12:53 55.1333 5 13:01:19 5.62 13:02 5.61538 1 13:15:50 320.45 13:19 320.455 4 13:27:31 287.03 13:34 287.036 7 -
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