Review of Numerical Calculation Research on Underwater Supercavitation Flow
超空泡技术能够减小航行体阻力、提高航速, 是水下高速航行体的关键技术之一。文中对国内外水下超空泡数值计算研究状况进行了综述, 介绍了水下超空泡数值计算方法, 主要包括理论模型求解方法及数值仿真方法。其中理论模型求解方法从势流理论出发, 分别发展了主要针对二维水翼的自由流线理论、线性理论及可进行三维超空泡形状计算的独立膨胀原理。目前大部分超空泡数值仿真基于计算流体动力学有限体积法。其中多相流和湍流模型对仿真结果影响显著, 通过结合空化、声学模型等, 能够突破势流理论的限制, 在考虑多相流、传质以及黏性情况下进行不同构形水下航行体超空泡流动及载荷预报。文中同时基于超空泡计算的自然空化数、通气参数、来流条件和几何构型4个典型影响因素, 介绍了数值计算研究的相关进展, 这些影响因素的变化均会改变超空泡整体形态, 其中通气参数和来流条件还会影响超空泡尾部闭合模式。
Abstract:Supercavity technology is one of the key technologies for underwater high-speed vehicles as it can reduce their resistance and increase their speed. In this paper, the current development of numerical calculation in supercavitation flow is reviewed. First, the numerical calculation methods are introduced, including modeling and numerical simulation methods. The modeling methods are based on the potential flow theory, which develops into the free streamline theory and linear theory for two-dimensional hydrofoils, and Logvinovich’s principle, which can be used to calculate the three-dimensional shape of the supercavity. The numerical simulation method is based on computational fluid dynamics. The finite volume method is typically used for the supercavity problem. The multiphase flow and turbulence model significantly affect the simulation results, and the limitation of the potential flow theory is overcome by combining the cavitation model and acoustic model. The supercavitation flow and load are predicted for undersea vehicles with different configurations considering the effects of multiphase flow, mass transfer, and viscosity. Finally, the recent developments in numerical research are introduced with regard to several key factors, including the natural cavitation number, ventilation and inflow conditions, and vehicle shape. These factors affect the shape of the supercavity, and the ventilation parameters and inflow conditions affect the closure mode. This paper provides a reference for subsequent research on the numerical calculations of underwater supercavitation flow.
Key words:
- supercavity /
- numerical calculation /
- cavitation /
- underwater drag reduction
图 1 非零空化数自由流线模型[10]
Figure 1. Free streamline model under non-zero cavitation number condition
图 4 Auslaender的近自由面水翼模型[18]
Figure 4. Auslaender’s near free surface hydrofoil model
图 6 Euler-Euler模型计算的超空泡形态等值面图[53]
Figure 6. Iso-surface of supercavity morphology simulated by Euler-Euler model
图 7 RANS方法预报的不同速度下的超空泡形态等值面图[58]
Figure 7. Iso-surface of supercavity morphology with different flow speed using RANS method
图 8 LES模型预报超空泡尾部涡管及脱落现象[64]
Figure 8. Tail vortex and shedding of supercavity using LES model
图 9 DES模型相体积分数等值面预报的尾鳍附近空泡壁面波动[70]
Figure 9. Cavity fluctuation near the tail fin predicted by phase volume fraction iso-surface using DES model
图 10 不同通气率下空泡内部涡量云图[104]
Figure 10. Vorticity field inside cavity under different ventilation rates
图 11 不同调制频率空泡尾部涡结构[83]
Figure 11. Vortex at cavity tail under different modulated frequencies
图 12 由相体积分数等值面表示的周期性来流对超空泡影响[116]
Figure 12. Influence of periodic flow on supercavity shown by iso-surface of phase volume fraction
图 13 不同头部形状对超空泡云图形态影响[131]
Figure 13. Influence of different head shapes on supercavity morphology
图 14 不同空化器攻角下超空泡形态[133]
Figure 14. Supercavity morphology under different cavitator attack angles
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