Underwater Target Detection Based on Sonar Image
摘要: 通过处理声呐图像实现水下目标检测具有重大的军事与民用意义。文章对基于声呐图像的水下目标检测原理、方法、算法和发展趋势进行了全面阐述。 将基于声呐图像的水下目标检测任务分为传统水下目标检测、基于深度学习的目标检测, 以及深度学习与迁移学习相结合的目标检测3个层面。又分别将传统目标检测分为基于数理统计、基于数学形态学以及基于像素的水下目标检测; 将基于深度学习的目标检测分为基于一阶段方法、基于二阶段方法以及基于DETR的目标检测; 将深度学习与迁移学习相结合的目标检测分为基于简单深度神经网络模型的迁移与基于复杂深度学习模型的迁移所实现的目标检测进行了具体讨论。最后总结归纳现有技术的优缺点, 并对该领域的未来发展方向作出进一步的展望。Abstract: Underwater target detection by processing sonar images is of great military and civil significance. This paper comprehensively describes the principles, methods, algorithms, and development trends in underwater target detection based on sonar images. Initially, we divide the underwater target detection task based on sonar images into traditional, deep learning-based, and combined deep learning- and transfer learning-based underwater target detection. Traditional target detection is divided into underwater target detection based on mathematical statistics, mathematical morphology, and pixels. Deep learning-based target detection methods are primarily divided into one-stage, two-stage, and detection transformer(DETR) methods. Combined deep learning- and transfer learning-based target detection is primarily divided into target detection based on simple deep neural network model transfer and complex deep learning model transfer. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the existing technology are summarized, and the future development direction of this field is discussed.
Key words:
- underwater target detection /
- sonar image /
- deep learning /
- transfer learning
表 1 多种成像声呐类型及优缺点
Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of various imaging sonars
成像声呐类型 优点 缺点 侧扫声呐 扫描分辨率高; 经济高效 存在声脉冲散射问题 合成孔径声呐 分辨力高; 抗干扰能力强 硬件要求高 多波束声呐 探测距离远; 精度高 操作难度高 前视声呐 低功耗; 实用价值高 存在高旁瓣现象 表 2 不同纹理特征的对比
Table 2. Comparison of texture features
纹理特征 优点 缺点 灰度共生矩阵 描述具有方向性及灰度差异大的纹理图像时效果好 计算量大; 特征量之间的统计相关性普遍存在 Tamura纹理 具有良好的旋转不变性与尺度不变性 描述声呐图像的局部纹理特征时效果差 分形纹理特征 描述整体纹理与局部纹理的效果均良好; 识别效率高 精确率提升小 表 3 应用于声呐图像水下目标检测的数学形态学方法对比
Table 3. Comparison of mathematical morphology methods applied to sonar image in underwater target detection
学方法优点 缺点 中值滤波 部署简便; 速度快 抑制噪声效果较差 Lee滤波 无需精确建模; 能较好保持边缘 计算量大; 速度较慢 Kuan滤波 滤除散斑噪声、平滑图像时对边缘不产生影响 边缘保持能力差 Frost滤波 抑制噪声效果较好 边缘细节等结构信息模糊; 存在盲目平滑现象 表 4 YOLO 与SSD的对比
Table 4. Comparison between YOLO and SSD
SSD YOLO 损失函数 Softmax loss Logistic loss 特征提取器 VGG19 Darknet-53 包围框预测 默认框直接偏移 网格单元通过Sigmoid激活函数偏移 对小目标的检测效果 底层的语义值不高, 对小目标的检测效果差 分辨率较高的层有较高的语义值, 对小目标的检测较好 对大目标的检测效果 较好 较差 -
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