Effect of Material Density on the Tail-slapping Characteristics ofSupercavitating Projectiles
摘要: 水下超空泡射弹的尾拍运动对其弹道稳定性和作战效能具有重要影响, 为研究不同材料密度对射弹尾拍运动特性的影响, 采用动网格移动计算域技术, 建立了超空泡射弹数值计算方法和模型, 分别计算分析了铝合金、结构钢及钨合金3种不同材料超空泡射弹的弹道特性与流体动力特性, 获得了材料密度对射弹尾拍运动的影响规律。结果表明: 在出膛动能一定的条件下, 不同材料密度的射弹攻角、俯仰角速度和流体动力参数均呈周期性变化; 材料密度越大, 射弹尾拍运动周期越长, 速度衰减越慢, 对垂直方向速度影响越小。对比3种材料的射弹, 采用结构钢材质的射弹表现出更为优良的弹道性能。Abstract: Generally, the tail-slapping motion of underwater supercavitating projectiles has a significant impact on their ballistic stability and operational performance. In this study, a numerical model of such supercavitating projectiles integrating a dynamic mesh is established to investigate the impacts of the tail-slapping characteristics of supercavitating projectiles under different material densities. Moreover, the ballistic and hydrodynamic characteristics of projectiles using aluminum alloys, structural steels, and tungsten alloys are scrutinized. Consequently, the attack angle, pitch angular velocity, and hydrodynamic coefficient of the tail-slapping motion of the projectile are found to demonstrate periodic changes with the material density under a given export kinetic energy. Additionally, the greater the material density, the longer the period of tail slapping; the slower the speed decay, the smaller the impact on the vertical speed of the projectile. Interestingly, the structural steel projectile demonstrates the best ballistic performance among the three candidate materials.
表 1 超空泡射弹主要外形参数
Table 1. The main shape parameters of the supercavitating projectile
L/mm Dn/mm La/mm Lc/mm Dc/mm LG/mm 608.00 11.88 516.80 91.20 76.00 181.79 表 2 数值仿真与试验数据点偏差值表
Table 2. Table of the deviations of numerical simulation and experimental data points
x/Lb r/Dn 相对偏差值/% Hurbes试验 数值计算 0.1 2.2 2.3 4.5 0.4 4.1 4.2 2.4 1.0 6.3 6.5 3.2 1.3 7.0 7.2 2.9 表 3 各材料密度射弹参数表
Table 3. Table of the parameters of the projectiles under different material densities
材料密度/(kg·m3) 质量/kg X轴转动惯量/(kg·mm2) Y轴转动惯量/(kg·mm2) Z轴转动惯量/(kg·mm2) 铝合金 2 700 3.61 1 889.89 65 482.18 65 482.18 结构钢 7 800 10.49 5 494.69 190 383.36 190 383.36 钨合金 19 000 25.39 13 299.25 460 800.49 460 800.49 表 4 不同材料射弹阻力系数
Table 4. Drag coefficient under different materials
射弹材料 平均阻力系数 铝合金 0.023 6 结构钢 0.023 6 钨合金 0.023 9 -
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