Rectification Analysis and Verification on Electromagnetic Compatibility of Torpedo Support Equipment
摘要: 针对鱼雷专用保障设备在电磁兼容性测试中出现指标超标的问题, 通过分析设备的组成及电磁特性, 确定了设备电磁兼容设计上的薄弱环节, 针对性的采取了机箱屏蔽处理、增加电源滤波器、内外部线缆处理等整改措施。经对比试验验证, 设备传导发射和辐射发射指标相比整改前大幅降低, 满足国军标极限线要求, 证明整改措施有效, 可为其他设备的电磁兼容性整改提供参考。Abstract: The index of torpedo support equipment exceeds the standard in electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) test. In view of this problem, the composition and electromagnetic characteristics of the equipment were analyzed, and the weak links in the EMC design of the equipment were determined. Targeted rectification measures such as chassis shielding treatment, power filter introduction, and internal and external cable treatment were taken. The comparison test shows that the conducted emission and radiation emission indexes of the equipment are significantly reduced after rectification, which meets the limit lines of the national military standard. It proves that the rectification measures are effective and can provide a reference for the EMC rectification of other equipment.
Key words:
- torpedo /
- support equipment /
- electromagnetic compatibility /
- rectification
表 1 内部线缆分类
Table 1. Classification of internal cable
类别 信号类型 I 数字信号, 低电流控制, 滤波可控电源 II 模拟信号 III 大电流控制, 继电器开关 IV 交/直流未滤波供电线路 -
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