A Calibration Method of Underwater Transponder Position Based on Maximum Correntropy
摘要: 超短基线(USBL)定位系统广泛应用于水下航行器的组合导航定位。已知的精确应答器位置是应用USBL进行导航定位的前提。传统应答器位置标定方法以斜距为观测量, 标定精度不高、鲁棒性差。文中以斜距和方位角为观测量, 推导了基于卡尔曼滤波的线性化量测方程。同时,考虑到水下复杂环境导致的噪声非高斯分布特性, 提出一种采用最大相关熵滤波抑制野值的水下声学应答器位置标定方法。在长江典型环境下对应答器位置进行标定试验,试验结果表明, 所提方法相比于传统方法具有更高的标定精度, 在野值干扰下具有更好的鲁棒性, 经标定后, 在东北天3个方向上USBL的定位精度分别提高了48.3%, 48.2%和40.4%, 可实现水下航行器高精度导航定位功能。Abstract: The ultra-short baseline(USBL) positioning system is widely used in the integrated navigation and positioning of underwater vehicles. Knowing the precise position of the transponder is a prerequisite for the application of the USBL system for navigation and positioning. The traditional calibration method of transponder position takes the slant distance as the observational variable. The calibration accuracy is not high, and the robustness is poor. The linearized measurement equation based on the Kalman filter was derived by taking slant distance and bearing angles as observational variables in this paper. In view of the non-Gaussian distribution of noise caused by complex underwater environments, a maximum correntropy filtering method was used to calibrate the position of an underwater acoustic transponder by suppressing outliers. Calibration experiments on the transponder position were carried out under the typical environment of the Yangtze River. Experimental results show that the proposed calibration method has higher calibration accuracy than the traditional method. It has better robustness under outlier interference. After calibration, the positioning accuracy of the USBL system has been improved by 48.3%, 48.2%, and 40.4% in the east-north-up coordinates. It can provide high-precision navigation and positioning functions for underwater vehicles.
表 1 传感器参数
Table 1. Parameters of sensors
参数 值 IMU 陀螺仪 常值偏置 $< 0.01/\text{h}$ 随机游走 $< 0.005 /\text{h}$ 加速度计 常值偏置 $ < 100\;\mathrm{ug} $ 随机游走 $ < 50\;\mathrm{ug} $ USBL 定位误差 0.1 m+1% r 输出频率 1/2 Hz PHINS/GPS 定位误差 0.02~0.05 m -
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