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赵唯 黄子豪 郝程鹏

赵唯, 黄子豪, 郝程鹏. 基于无偏伪线性卡尔曼滤波的3D到达角目标跟踪[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2023, 31(5): 669-678 doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2022-0007
引用本文: 赵唯, 黄子豪, 郝程鹏. 基于无偏伪线性卡尔曼滤波的3D到达角目标跟踪[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2023, 31(5): 669-678 doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2022-0007
ZHAO Wei, HUANG Zihao, HAO Chengpeng. 3D Angle of Arrival Target Tracking with Unbiased Pseudo-Linear Kalman Filter[J]. Journal of Unmanned Undersea Systems, 2023, 31(5): 669-678. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2022-0007
Citation: ZHAO Wei, HUANG Zihao, HAO Chengpeng. 3D Angle of Arrival Target Tracking with Unbiased Pseudo-Linear Kalman Filter[J]. Journal of Unmanned Undersea Systems, 2023, 31(5): 669-678. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2022-0007


doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2022-0007
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目资助(61971412)

    赵唯:赵 唯(1998-), 女, 在读博士, 主要研究方向为目标跟踪及水下无线传感器网络

  • 中图分类号: TJ630.1; U666.7

3D Angle of Arrival Target Tracking with Unbiased Pseudo-Linear Kalman Filter

  • 摘要: 在3D到达角目标跟踪研究中, 伪线性卡尔曼滤波(PLKF)因计算复杂度低且对初始误差不敏感受到较大关注, 但观测矩阵与噪声之间的相关性会使PLKF的目标状态估计存在一定偏差。针对这一问题并考虑观测站存在定位误差的实际情况, 文中提出一种3D修正无偏PLKF算法。首先对方位角及俯仰角观测方程进行整体伪线性化, 通过修正噪声协方差矩阵来降低观测站定位误差对跟踪精度的影响; 其次通过分离观测矩阵中的噪声, 降低由观测矩阵和观测噪声相关性引起的估计偏差。仿真分析结果表明, 所提算法有效提高了3D到达角目标跟踪在非机动和机动2种场景下的精度, 且具有较低的计算复杂度。


  • 图  1  匀速目标跟踪的几何模型

    Figure  1.  Geometric model of constant-velocity target tracking

    图  2  匀速目标跟踪中不同算法RMSE曲线

    Figure  2.  RMSE curves of different algorithms in constant-velocity target tracking

    图  3  匀速目标跟踪中不同算法时均RMSE曲线

    Figure  3.  Time-averaged RMSE curves of different algorithms in constant-velocity target tracking

    图  4  机动目标跟踪几何模型

    Figure  4.  The geometric model for maneuvering target track

    图  5  机动目标跟踪中不同算法时均RMSE曲线(${{\boldsymbol{k_r}}} = {\bf{200}}\% $, $\;{\boldsymbol{\rho}} = {\bf{4}} $)

    Figure  5.  Time-averaged RMSE curves of different algorithms in maneuvering target tracking (${{\boldsymbol{k_r}}} = {\bf{200}}\% $, $\;{\boldsymbol{\rho}} = {\bf{4}} $)

    图  6  机动目标跟踪中不同算法时均RMSE曲线($\;{\boldsymbol{\rho}} = {\bf{4}} $, ${{\boldsymbol{\sigma _s}}} = {\bf{2}}^\circ $)

    Figure  6.  Time-averaged RMSE curves of different algorith- ms in maneuvering target tracking ($\;{\boldsymbol{\rho}} = {\bf{4}} $, ${{\boldsymbol{\sigma _s}}} = {\bf{2}}^\circ $)

    图  7  机动目标跟踪不同算法时均RMSE曲线(${\boldsymbol{\sigma _s}} = 2^\circ $${\boldsymbol{k_r}} = $$ {\bf{200}}\% $)

    Figure  7.  Time-averaged RMSE curves of different algorithms in maneuvering target tracking (${\boldsymbol{\sigma _s}} = 2^\circ $, ${\boldsymbol{k_r}} = $$ {\bf{200}}\% $)

    表  1  不同矩阵运算对应的浮点操作次数

    Table  1.   Number of flops corresponding to different matrix operations

    矩阵运算 浮点
    ${\boldsymbol{A}} \pm {\boldsymbol{A}}$ nm
    ${\boldsymbol{AB}}$ 2nml-nl
    ${{\boldsymbol{C}}^{ - 1}}$ n3
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    表  2  4种算法计算复杂度

    Table  2.   Computational complexity of four algorithms

    预测${{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}_{k|k - 1}}$2nx2nx2nx2nx2nx2nx2nx2nx
    预测${{\boldsymbol{\hat P}}_{k|k - 1}}$4nx3nx24nx3nx24nx3nx24nx3nx2
    估计${{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}_{k|k}}$4mznx9mznx+2nx2nx13mznx+2nx2nx4mznx
    估计${{\boldsymbol{\hat P}}_{k|k}}$2nx2mz+2nx22nx2mz+2nx24nx2mz+4nx22nx2mz+2nx2
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-07-07
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