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张宁 寇小明 李斌 李谦 周景军

张宁, 寇小明, 李斌, 等. 基于遗传算法的应召搜潜路径优化[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2023, 31(2): 244-251 doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2022-0002
引用本文: 张宁, 寇小明, 李斌, 等. 基于遗传算法的应召搜潜路径优化[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2023, 31(2): 244-251 doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2022-0002
ZHANG Ning, KOU Xiaoming, LI Bin, LI Qian, ZHOU Jingjun. Route Optimization of on Call Submarine Search Based on Genetic Algorithm[J]. Journal of Unmanned Undersea Systems, 2023, 31(2): 244-251. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2022-0002
Citation: ZHANG Ning, KOU Xiaoming, LI Bin, LI Qian, ZHOU Jingjun. Route Optimization of on Call Submarine Search Based on Genetic Algorithm[J]. Journal of Unmanned Undersea Systems, 2023, 31(2): 244-251. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2022-0002


doi: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2022-0002

    张宁:张 宁(1997-), 男, 在读硕士, 主要研究方向为水下航行器总体技术

  • 中图分类号: U674.71; TJ67

Route Optimization of on Call Submarine Search Based on Genetic Algorithm

  • 摘要: 针对水面舰艇应召反潜中敌潜艇未知航向机动的情形, 提出了一种基于遗传算法的对潜搜索方法。该方法分别结合了舰船声呐探测模型、敌潜艇目标运动模型、舰船搜索运动模型以及搜索路径发现概率计算模型, 并将信息置信度引入发现概率计算模型, 增强了发现概率计算的可信度; 再利用遗传算法分别求解单舰及双舰在应召反潜搜索过程中每段的最优航向角和速度, 分别给出单舰和双舰应召螺旋搜索的最优路径; 最后给出了单舰和双舰在仅改变转角和既改变转角又改变速度条件下, 搜索到目标发现概率的变化规律。通过与传统螺旋算法对比表明, 增加改变速度的舰船搜索机制更为灵活, 可提高发现概率; 当搜索兵力足够时, 采用多舰编队搜索可大幅度提高发现概率。该研究可为水面舰搜攻潜作战提供参考。


  • 图  1  声呐探测范围示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of sonar detection range

    图  2  舰船搜索过程示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of ship search process

    图  3  遗传算法流程图

    Figure  3.  Flow chart of genetic algorithm

    图  4  目标分布图

    Figure  4.  Target distribution

    图  5  单舰起始探测点示意图

    Figure  5.  Schematic diagram of initial detection point of single ship

    图  6  单舰仅改变航向角的搜索路径

    Figure  6.  Search path of single ship only changing heading angle

    图  7  单舰改变各段航向角和各段速度的搜索路径

    Figure  7.  Search path of single ship changing heading angle and speed of each section

    图  8  单舰传统螺旋线搜索路径

    Figure  8.  Single ship traditional spiral search path

    图  9  双舰搜索示意图

    Figure  9.  Schematic diagram of double ships search

    图  10  双舰仅改变航向角的搜索路径

    Figure  10.  Search path of double ships only changing heading angle

    图  11  双舰改变各段航向角和各段速度的搜索路径

    Figure  11.  Search path of double ships changing heading angle and speed of each section

    图  12  双舰传统螺旋线搜索路径

    Figure  12.  Double ships traditional spiral search path

    表  1  引入信息置信度参数变化

    Table  1.   Parameter changes of introduced information confidence

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    表  2  单舰仅改变航向角参数值

    Table  2.   Parameter values of single ship only changing heading angle

    阶段数 θ/rad 阶段数 θ/rad
    1 0.626 6 9 1.400 8
    2 0.079 5 10 1.401 1
    3 0.064 7 11 1.579 8
    4 0.074 1 12 1.959 2
    5 0.232 1 13 2.009 3
    6 0.378 8 14 2.193 4
    7 0.639 1 15 2.525 0
    8 1.228 4
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    表  3  单舰改变各段速度和航向角参数值

    Table  3.   Parameter values of changing speed and heading angle of each section of a single ship

    阶段数${v \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {v {{\text{kn}}}}} \right. } {{\text{kn}}}}$${\theta \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\theta {{\text{rad}}}}} \right. } {{\text{rad}}}}$
    120.177 41.168 1
    216.678 01.092 6
    324.991 25.812 2
    424.921 86.050 2
    524.714 46.266 5
    623.727 56.282 1
    724.326 80.724 3
    824.989 91.520 3
    924.958 01.695 6
    1024.830 51.815 3
    1124.954 22.072 5
    1224.985 52.292 0
    1324.905 02.673 7
    1424.980 52.851 6
    1524.951 43.270 7
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    表  4  单舰不同搜索算法的发现概率对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of discovery probability of different search algorithms for single ship

    1 00069.8479.1742.39
    2 00069.8179.1942.42
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    表  5  双舰仅改变航向角参数值

    Table  5.   Parameter values of only changing heading angle of double ships

    阶段数${{{\theta _1}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\theta _1}} {{\text{rad}}}}} \right. } {{\text{rad}}}}$${{{\theta _2}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\theta _2}} {{\text{rad}}}}} \right. } {{\text{rad}}}}$
    11.179 10.080 3
    21.410 70.064 0
    31.998 80.045 9
    41.624 20.330 6
    51.047 90.661 2
    61.330 90.849 8
    70.535 80.990 1
    80.683 81.298 3
    90.427 21.186 4
    100.325 71.781 1
    110.033 71.654 4
    121.300 91.884 6
    131.288 02.191 8
    141.404 42.021 5
    151.857 22.530 5
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    表  6  双舰改变各段速度和各段航向角参数值

    Table  6.   Parameter values of heading angle and speed of each section changed by double ships

    阶段数${{{v_1}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{v_1}} {{\text{kn}}}}} \right. } {{\text{kn}}}}$${{{\theta _1}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\theta _1}} {{\text{rad}}}}} \right. } {{\text{rad}}}}$$ {{{v_2}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{v_2}} {{\text{kn}}}}} \right. } {{\text{kn}}}} $${{{\theta _2}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\theta _2}} {{\text{rad}}}}} \right. } {{\text{rad}}}}$
    123.775 90.913 224.748 70.125 7
    224.932 31.914 324.318 40.024 6
    322.450 51.593 223.845 40.250 1
    418.205 71.288 924.905 10.679 2
    518.104 81.026 616.196 80.646 1
    610.453 11.545 914.426 61.481 8
    714.095 90.668 412.418 11.147 9
    820.580 90.422 515.895 81.290 7
    921.647 30.260 324.853 21.597 2
    1024.788 00.141 019.722 31.372 0
    1110.229 70.061 021.602 72.247 2
    1212.748 00.468 124.030 42.196 8
    1318.631 75.964 316.283 22.163 9
    1416.948 06.266 217.540 82.561 3
    1514.691 83.410 122.136 53.140 4
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    表  7  双舰不同搜索算法的发现概率对比

    Table  7.   Comparison of discovery probability of different search algorithms for double ships

    1 00087.0294.96
    2 00086.9895.03
    1 00065.8266.81
    2 00065.8166.85
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