Modular Design of Lithium-ion Battery Packs for Cylindrical Battery Cabins of AUV
摘要: 电池组容量和可靠性直接影响着自主水下航行器(AUV)的航程、安全和总体性能。文中针对某AUV能源系统的技术指标, 基于模块化和双冗余设计思想, 选择21700锂离子电池作为单体电芯进行电池组设计, 单模块充分利用圆柱电池舱内部空间提高电池组容量, 多模块串并联的结构方便定位故障和进行维护, 2个电池组并联的方式使其具有更高的可靠性。试验结果显示其系统能量密度可达200 Wh/kg, 表明进行模块化设计的电池组具有较高的能量密度和可靠性, 提高了电池组的可维性。Abstract: For autonomous undersea vehicles(AUV), the capacity and reliability of battery packs depend on their range, safety, and overall performance. According to the technical specifications of the energy system of an AUV, the 21700 lithium-ion battery was selected as the unit cell for the battery pack design with the idea of a modular and double-redundant design. A single module can completely use the inner space of the cylindrical battery cabin to improve the capacity of the battery packs, while the structure of multiple modules in series and parallel is convenient for locating faults and carrying out maintenance. Two parallel battery packs can result improved reliability. The test results show that the energy density of the system can reach to 200 Wh/kg and battery packs in modular design have higher energy density, reliability, and maintainability.
表 1 常温放电容量测试结果
Table 1. Test results of discharge capacity at room temperature
电池11# 116.78 12.61 12.60 2# 116.69 12.60 3# 116.68 12.60 动力
电池21# 117.80 12.72 12.62 2# 116.23 12.55 3# 116.38 12.57 控制
电池11# 500.16 12.60 12.64 2# 501.35 12.63 3# 503.66 12.69 控制
电池21# 500.18 12.60 12.62 2# 501.73 12.64 3# 501.36 12.63 -
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