Operational Simulation and Efficiency Analysis of Torpedo Electromagnetic Fuse Jammer
摘要: 鱼雷电磁引信干扰机是一种在水面舰艇尾流区域内对抗尾流自导鱼雷的武器装备, 干扰机作战使用参数的确定决定了其对抗效果的好坏。为确保鱼雷电磁引信干扰机产生足够好的对抗效果, 建立了鱼雷电磁引信干扰机作战使用模型, 并对鱼雷电磁引信干扰机布设间隔、布设数量以及作用半径等参数与使用电磁引信干扰机对抗尾流自导鱼雷的成功概率之间的关系进行仿真。结果表明:使用鱼雷电磁引信干扰机对抗尾流自导鱼雷, 可以有效保护水面舰艇的安全和战斗力, 且干扰机的上述参数对有效提高对抗成功概率具有显著影响, 同时得出在作用半径一定的条件下, 满足干扰效果要求的干扰机布设间隔与布设数量的最佳组合。文中工作可为鱼雷电磁引信干扰机性能指标的确定以及作战使用提供参考。Abstract: Torpedo electromagnetic fuse jammers are a type of weapon equipment used against wake-homing torpedoes in the wake area of surface ships. The operational parameters of the jammer determine its countering effectiveness. Therefore, to ensure that the torpedo electromagnetic fuse jammer can produce sufficient counter-effectiveness, a operational model for the jammer is built, and simulation research is conducted on the relationship between deployment interval, deployment quantity, operating radius, and success probability of using a torpedo electromagnetic fuse jammer against wake-homing torpedoes. The simulation results show that the use of such jammers can effectively protect surface ships and their operational capabilities, and the three parameters have a significant influence on the success probability of using electromagnetic fuse jammers against wake-homing torpedoes. By analyzing the simulation results, it can be concluded that the best combination of the jammer deployment interval and quantity which satisfying the requirements of the jamming effect can be obtained for a certain operating radius. This research provides a valuable reference for the determination of torpedo electromagnetic fuse jammer performance indexes.
Key words:
- torpedo /
- electromagnetic fuse jammer /
- efficiency analysis
表 1 干扰机的作用半径为13 m时布设间隔与布设数量组合
Table 1. Combination of deployment interval and deployment quantity when R=13 m
干扰机作用半径/m 布设间隔/m 布设数量/个 13 30 4 40 3 50 3 60 3 70 5 表 2 不同作用半径布设间隔与布设数量最佳组合
Table 2. The best combination of deployment interval and deployment quantity at different operating radius
作用半径/m 布设间隔/m 布设数量/个 13 40 3 14 40 3 15 70 2 16 70 2 -
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