Data-driven Autonomous Decision-making Method for the Effective Position of AUV Torpedo Attacks
摘要: 自主决策能力是无人水下航行器与有人平台的最显著区别, 要求决策速度快、正确率高、方案可执行。针对自主水下航行器(AUV)发射声自导鱼雷攻击水面舰艇时传统有效阵位决策方法在攻击效果和决策速度方面的不足, 提出将作战仿真与集成学习相结合的自主决策方法。首先通过作战仿真优化声自导鱼雷发现目标概率, 得到不同战场态势下的大量基础数据; 而后设置鱼雷发现概率判断阈值, 将 AUV有效阵位决策转换为二分类问题, 形成分类实验数据; 最后分析支持向量机、随机森林和XGBoost的分类效果, 得出集成学习更适用于该不均衡样本分类问题的结论, 并进一步对模型在多种任务阈值下的适应能力和复杂海洋环境下的泛化能力进行检验。实验结果表明, 该方法在保证鱼雷攻击效果的前提下, 可大幅加快AUV决策速度, 满足攻击决策要求, 为装备攻击规划模块的研究提供参考。Abstract: Autonomous decision-making capability is a distinctive feature that distinguishes unmanned undersea vehicles from manned platforms. This capability is characterized by a short autonomous decision-making time, high decision-making accuracy, and executable decision-making solutions. In this study, an autonomous decision-making method that combines operational simulation with ensemble learning was proposed to overcome the shortcomings of traditional effective position decision-making methods with regard to the attack effect and decision speed when an autonomous undersea vehicle(AUV) launches an attack against a surface ship using an acoustic homing torpedo. First, many basic experimental data sets were obtained by optimizing the probability of acoustic homing torpedo detection targets. Subsequently, a detection probability attack judgment threshold was designed to convert the AUV’s effective position decision-making into a binary classification problem and form the classification experimental data. Finally, the classification performance of the support vector machine, random forest, and XGBoost were analyzed and it was concluded that ensemble learning is more suitable for this unbalanced sample classification problem. Furthermore, the adaptability of this model under multiple task thresholds and its generalization ability in complex marine environments were tested. The test results showed that this method can meet the AUV’s autonomous attack decision-making requirements and significantly accelerate the decision-making speed while ensuring the effectiveness of the torpedo attack. Therefore, this study provides a reference for research on the attack planning module of equipment.
表 1 分类实验数据集信息
Table 1. Information of categorized experimental data sets
样本个数 特征维度 正样本数 负样本数 不平衡
用时8 000 5 1 577 6 423 4.07 4 min 29 s 表 2 混淆矩阵
Table 2. Confusion matrix
实际正类 实际负类 预测正类 TP(true positives) FN(false negatives) 预测负类 FP(false positives) TN(true negatives) 表 3 3种模型分类性能
Table 3. Classification performance of three models
模型 准确率 精确率 召回率 F1 AUC 时间/s SVM 0.937 0.844 0.846 0.845 0.980 19.36 RF 0.959 0.936 0.854 0.893 0.992 0.87 XGB 0.965 0.915 0.910 0.911 0.994 1.58 表 4 不同阈值下模型决策性能比较
Table 4. Comparison of model decision performance under different thresholds
阈值 不平衡率 SVM RF XGB AUC 时间/s AUC 时间/s AUC 时间/s 60% 2.03 0.991 14.57 0.997 1.39 0.998 2.14 65% 2.65 0.987 15.64 0.994 1.12 0.997 2.02 70% 4.07 0.980 19.36 0.992 0.87 0.994 1.58 75% 6.21 0.981 17.52 0.993 0.73 0.996 1.45 80% 9.08 0.983 15.67 0.991 0.86 0.996 1.21 表 5 作战仿真参数调整
Table 5. Adjustment of operational simulation parameters
名称 样本数 ${d_{{\text{ship}}}}$ /n mile ${d_{{\text{torp}}}}$ /n mile ${\sigma _{xy}}$/n mile 海域1 50 3.3 1.2 0.3 海域2 50 3.2 1.1 0.4 海域3 50 2.8 0.9 0.6 海域4 50 2.6 1.3 0.6 海域5 50 2.7 0.8 0.5 海域6 50 3.1 0.9 0.4 -
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