Technical Development and Operational Application of Unmanned Surface Combat System
摘要: 水面无人作战系统作为海军新概念武器系统, 对于增强海军部队的作战能力及提高作战效能具有重要意义。选取美国“斯巴达侦察兵”、“反潜战持续跟踪无人艇(ACTUV)”、“无人水面和水下航行器Submaran S10”、“通用水面无人艇(CUSV)”和以色列“保护者”、“银枪鱼”为典型代表, 分析了国外水面无人作战系统的研究和应用现状。在此基础上, 探讨了水面无人作战系统的“岸基”和“舰载”两条技术发展路线, 分析了水面无人作战系统的技术发展趋势及其潜在作战应用领域, 并从作战应用角度提出了快速部署与回收、海上应用安全、目标精确识别、自主规划与指挥控制、互操作性以及环境适应性与故障响应等水面无人作战系统部署应用需重点解决的问题。为国内海军水面无人作战系统的建立与发展提供借鉴。Abstract: The unmanned surface combat system(USCS) is a kind of new concept navy weapon system,which has great significance in enhancing the operational capability and operational efficiency of naval forces. This paper introduces and analyzes the researches and applications of the USCSs, including U.S. Navy’s Spartan Scout, anti-submarine warfare (ASW) continuous trail unmanned vessel(ACTUV), unmanned surface and undersea vehicle Submaran S10, common unmanned surface vessel(CUSV), and Israeli Navy’s Protector and Silver Marlin. Furthermore, two technical development routes of shore-based and ship-based USCSs are discussed, and the technical development tendency and potential operational applications are analyzed. The main issues needing to be solved for deployment and operational application of USCS are raised, including rapid deployment and recovery, marine application safety, accurate target recognition, autonomous planning and command control, interoperability, environmental adaptability, and fault response. The purpose of this paper is to provide a reference for Chinese Navy in establishment and development of USCS.
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