Development and Key Technologies of Submarine-UUV Cooperative Operation
摘要: 潜艇和无人水下航行器(UUV)协同作战是现代海军作战能力的重要组成部分, 也是海军装备中新式作战理念、新技术应用最为广泛的领域。文章介绍了国内外潜艇与UUV协同作战研究的发展现状, 主要分析了美国、俄罗斯和英国等国家在水下作战体系、协同作战系统和新质水下作战力量等方面的发展思路; 重点研究了水下协同作战的关键技术, 涉及水下多介质传输、网络化协同探测、多源异构信息融合等装备体系技术, 以及控制体系结构、协同任务规划与分配、贫弱信息下的自主决策等作战应用技术, 以期为装备技术和作战应用协调发展、水下新质作战力量的快速形成提供技术参考。Abstract: The cooperative operation of submarines and unmanned undersea vehicles(UUVs) is an important aspect of modern naval operational capabilities. It is also the most widely investigated field in terms of new operational concepts and new technologies in naval armaments. This study introduces the development of submarine-UUV cooperative operation, and mainly analyzes the developing strategies of undersea warfare system architecture, cooperative battle system and new undersea combat force in United States, Russia and United Kingdom; focuses on armament system technologies of undersea cooperative operation, including underwater multimedia transmission, network collaborative detection, multi-source heterogeneous information fusion, and operational application technologies, including control architecture, collaborative mission planning and allocation, autonomous decision-making with a lack of information, to provide technical reference for the coordinated development of armament technology and operational applications and the rapid formation of new underwater operational forces.
Key words:
- submarine /
- unmanned undersea vehicle /
- cooperative operations
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