To promote UUV design for both civil and military applications, the grading and diameter restriction of military UUVs are discussed, and the performances and characteristics of popular UUVs in world market are summarized. The key architectural aspects of UUVs are analyzed, such as overall formations, propulsors, control surfaces, energy systems, pressure hulls and wet volume, sensors, communication, launch and recovery. The typical structure properties of UUVs and the influencing factors are discussed. Suggestions about design of military UUVs are offered as follows: 1) open structure and modularization should be adopted for multi-task requirement; 2) medium-weight and lightweight UUVs should take the diameter of 533 mm or 324 mm to meet the military suitability; and 3) watertight components and payloads should be designed for deep diving UUVs in order to decrease the difficulty in manufacture of pressure hulls.