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2014 Vol. 22, No. 4

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Analysis on Structural Design Characteristics of High Altitude Delivery Carrier of Torpedo
SHUAI Zhi-hao, CAO Xiao-juan, WANG Zhi-jie
2014, 22(4): 241-245. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.001
The applications of the high altitude delivery carrier to guided glide bomb(GGB) and high altitude antisub-marine weapon concept, as well as the current manufacture situation of high altitude delivery carrier, are analyzed. Subsequently, the similarities and differences between high altitude delivery of torpedo (HADT) and GGB are compared. The structural design characteristics of high altitude delivery carrier of torpedo are discussed with respect to five aspects, including rigidity and intensity, environmental suitability, navigation control, “developable”, and “detachable”, and corresponding design strategies are put forward.
Optimization of Shell Structure for Underwater Vehicle Based on ANSYS Workbench
JIANG Wei, LI Shi-yun
2014, 22(4): 245-248. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.002
The stiffened cylindrical shell structure is an important part of an underwater vehicle, and its mass directly affects the overall performance of the underwater vehicle. However, the conventional design optimization methods of the shell structure have the disadvantages of great workload and complicated calculation. This paper uses the Design Exploration module in the finite element software ANSYS Workbench to optimize the thickness of shell wall, the width and height of annular rib in cross-section, and the distance between the ribs, so as to minimize the mass of the shell in the restriction of satisfactory strength and stability. Consequently, the shell structure of an underwater vehicle is opti-mized with the proposed method, and the optimum mass of the shell structure is obtained.
Optimization Design of New Type Torpedo Rack Based on SolidWorks Simulation
WU Ying-dong
2014, 22(4): 249-253. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.003
The structure of conventional torpedo rack has the disadvantages of high cost, large volume, and inconvenient movement. Therefore, a new type of pluggable and stackable rack is designed for a torpedo based on the software SolidWorks Simulation. This new rack is made with injection molding technology to decrease the cost, simplify the machining process, and reduce its covering area to less than 1/10 of original one without the decrease in its strength. Moreover, optimization design and finite element analysis of the new torpedo rack are conducted based on SolidWorks Simulation. The final design reduces the volume of mold and the raw materials, and the strength of the new type of tor-pedo rack is enhanced.
Three Methods for Beam Sharpening and Multi-Target Azimuth Discrimination
FAN Shu-hong
2014, 22(4): 254-261. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.004
To enhance azimuth discrimination of torpedo homing system for large-scale multi-highlight target detailed feature extraction and recognition, accurate orientation, and multi-target azimuth discrimination, etc., three methods are presented for sharpening Hyperbeam, Doppler beam, and linear prediction based virtual elements extended array beam. And their performances of multi-target azimuth discrimination are analyzed. The theoretical models of the beam sharp-ening methods are discussed in detail, and are verified by simulations. Experiments show that the Hyperbeam sharpening method is effective in the case of single target but not available for multi-target conditions, while the other two methods are more applicable for azimuth discrimination of multi coherent targets.
Adaptive Guidance Method of Homing Torpedo under Underwater Acoustic Countermeasure Condition
CHEN Ke-zhe, CHENG Yong-mei, YU Liang, LIU Jian-xin
2014, 22(4): 262-266. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.005
Modern acoustic countermeasure and counter-countermeasure environments become more and more complex, so it is necessary to consider target recognition and terminal guidance perpendicular hit in the design of guidance law for a homing torpedo. This paper proposes a new adaptive guidance method for a homing torpedo, in which the torpedo course angle is adjusted according to the distance between a torpedo and a target, and the target azimuth trend recogni-tion and the requirement of guidance trajectory for terminal guidance perpendicular hit are taken into account, so that the target′s relative bearing angle can facilitate the recognition and the hit. Simulation results show that the variation of target′s relative bearing angle obtained by the proposed method facilitates both the target recognition and the perpen-dicular target hit.
Design and Implementation of Interface Modularization for Special Testing Equipment of Torpedo
LI Yan
2014, 22(4): 267-271. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.006
To improve the efficiency of interface design for special testing equipment of torpedo(STET), a method of interface design based on modularization is proposed. According to the function, the hardware of the interface is divided into three of standard modules, i.e. the signal attenuating module, the analog signal isolating module, and the digital/switch signal isolating module. Signals can be conditioned by combining these modules. Simulation and measurement show that these modules can achieve the function of signal condition well and realize modularization and standardization of the interface for STET.
Robustness of Anti-Torpedo Torpedo Guidance Law Based on Variable Structure Control
LI Zong-ji, ZHANG Xi-yong, LIAN Yong-qing
2014, 22(4): 272-276. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.007
For solving the difficulty in the guidance of anti-torpedo torpedo(ATT) due to low data ratio of underwater target information detection, an ATT guidance law based on variable structure control is designed, in which a variable structure controller is employed to keep a constant line-of-sight angle between ATT and incoming torpedo, and the con-troller shows good robustness for perturbation of model parameters. Theoretical analysis shows that perturbation of model parameters has no effect on the stability of the guidance law, and the line-of-sight angle between ATT and target can keep constant. Simulation validates that the proposed guidance law has good robustness for perturbation of model parameters, and the ATT with the guidance can hit target precisely.
A Dynamic Mission Planning Method for AUV Formation with Resource Constraint
HAO Li-li, GU Hao, KANG Feng-ju, YANG Hui-zhen
2014, 22(4): 277-281. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.008
Dynamic mission planning is a key technology for coordinating the coupling among complex environment, autonomous underwater vehicle(AUV) with limited resources, and dynamic tasks to maximize the synergism of the members in AUV formation. This paper aims to propose a distributed mission planning algorithm for the AUV formation that undergoes resource constraint and operates in an unknown dynamic environment. The resource inequality function is employed, and a novel resource balance-based allocation algorithm is proposed. In combination with the objective func-tion of efficiency maximum, a contract net-based mathematical model of multi-objective optimization with multiple constraints is established. Then, the integration of formal modeling, simulation and validation is presented based on Colored Petri Nets to analyze the logic, grammar, structure and properties of a mission planning system. Simulation results show that this method can avoid the overload on the winner caused by the rule of seeking efficiency maximum, and the longer waiting time caused by load balancing strategies, thus better performance is achieved.
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Wobbleplate Engine Piston of Torpedo Based on iSIGHT
LI Bin-mao, QIAN Zhi-bo, CHENG Hong-jie
2014, 22(4): 282-287. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.009
To solve the multidisciplinary design optimization(MDO) problem for wobbleplate engine piston mechanism of a torpedo, a MDO model is built based on multidisciplinary feasible(MDF) method with comprehensive consideration of structure, temperature, and intensity of the piston. A temperature field model and a stress model of the piston are built by UG and ANSYS, and multidisciplinary optimization analysis and design are conducted by means of numerical analy-sis and calculation. MDO platform and simulation process are constructed by integrating iSIGHT with UG and ANSYS. Through secondary development of the software, the parameters import, export, and automatic update, as well as the data exchange among different software, are realized on the MDO platform. The MDO results illustrate that the weight of the piston is reduced by 21.81%, the peak temperature and the temperature of the first ring groove decrease by 55℃ and 29℃, respectively, and the maximum stress decreases by 10 MPa. Simulation results show that the MDO method can im-prove the characteristics of temperature and thermal stress of the piston, and can deal with the coupling of heat and structure effectively, and can promote MDO efficiency.
Design and Analysis on Cam Axial Piston Pump with Constant Flow
YAO Yuan, ZHANG Meng, ZHANG Zhen-shan, LAN Hai
2014, 22(4): 288-292. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.010
To reduce vibration noise of the swashplate axial piston pump of a torpedo, a novel curved cam axial piston pump is designed. Constant flow variation equation is derived through analysis of transient flow. The cam profile lines are obtained by solving the equation. Kinetic analysis of the cam axial piston pump indicates that there is no hard shock or soft shock between the piston and the cam, and the piston group can gain both balances of inertia force and inertia moment. These characteristics of the proposed curved cam axial piston pump can ensure its low vibration noise level. This curved cam axial piston pump may be applied to future torpedo as a fuel pump.
Anti-submarine Shooting Methods of Cruise Assisted Torpedo without Instruction Correction
LIANG Liang, JIA Yue, REN Lei
2014, 22(4): 293-297. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.011
This paper presents anti-submarine shooting methods of a cruise assisted torpedo without instruction correc-tion in consideration of the process of attacking submarine and the characteristics of anti-submarine warfare. Calculation models of shooting data are built for each shooting method, and the calculating method and principle of shooting data are analyzed. This study may provide a decision support and theoretical reference for actual application of weapons.
Analysis on Antisubmarine Repetitious Attack with Aviation Homing Depth Charges
LI Ju-wei, WANG Han-chang, LI Rui-hong, SUN Ming-tai
2014, 22(4): 298-301. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.012
Aiming at the operational issue of attacking submarine by anti-submarine patrol aircraft with aviation depth charge, a definition of “repetitious depth charge attack”is presented, and the attack occasion and attack parameters are analyzed. Furthermore, attack effectiveness evaluation models of continuous dropping homing depth charges against submarine are established, and the reasonable attack parameters and hit probability are obtained through simulation in the case of submarine taking the countermeasures of maneuver and acoustic decoy. In addition, the repetitious depth charge attack tactics of anti-submarine patrol aircraft are summarized.
Calculation of Detection Probability for Sub-Launch Torpedo Based on Monte-Carlo Method
CUI Zi-gang, LI Zhi-wei
2014, 22(4): 302-305. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.013
Detection probability of a torpedo is one of the most important indexes of operational effectiveness for sub-marine torpedo weapon system. However, assessing the index in sea trial requires a big sample size, which means a huge expense of time and cost. Hence, a statistical test method of detection probability for a sub-launch torpedo is proposed according to the principle and mathematical model of torpedo shoot and guidance. This method makes full use of sea trial data in simulation, thus can effectively assess the detection probability of sub-launch torpedo with a small sample size.
Inversion of Seawater Temperature and Salinity Based on Brillouin Scattering
2014, 22(4): 306-310. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.014
An underwater Brillouin scattering model is built by making use of the inelastic scattering effect between lidar and seawater, and an inversion method of seawater temperature and salinity is proposed. And the calculation for-mula of seawater temperature and salinity is derived via Brillouin scattering. The lidar with the wavelength of 532 nm is employed to simulate the relationship of Brillouin scattering with seawater temperature and salinity, thus the curves of frequency shift of Brillouin scattering versus seawater temperature and salinity for different depths are obtained to esti-mate the temperature and salinity at the corresponding depths. The estimated data are consistent with the experimental values.
Study on Bubble Characteristics of Ship Far Wake Field
MA Qing-shan, CHEN Ya-lin, HAO Bao-an, LIU Kun-lun, HE Chen, YAN Bing
2014, 22(4): 311-315. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.015
To understand deeply the target characteristics of ship far wake field and widen the design thought of wake homing torpedo, based on the geometric characteristics of bubble wake, we derived the bubble ascending motion curves of different radius within 30 minutes and the function relationship between initial condition and residence time of a bubble through exploring the differential equations by the Runge-Kutta method. The attenuation process of bubble number density was fitted based on the discrete expression of total bubble number. The bubble size distribution was simulated and the density function of bubble size probability was calculated. At last, the conclusion was proposed: the reason to inhibit the range of detection for wake homing torpedo with current technology was the decrease of bubble number density due to the quickly break of the huge bubbles instead of the die out of tiny bubbles.
Multi-bubble Models in Ship Wake and Finite Element Analysis
ZHANG Qun, WANG Ying-Min
2014, 22(4): 316-320. doi: 10.11993/j.issn.1673-1948.2014.04.016
The acoustic characteristics of ship wake depend on that of the bubbles in the wake. A double bubbles model is established in this study according to the distributions of radius and number density of the bubbles in ship wake. Moreover, multi-bubble models are built by using the finite element method and the corresponding software. The node displacement and pressure distribution of the multi-bubble models in the condition of periodically varying load are gained and analyzed. A sound source is introduced into the acoustic field analysis to simulate the environment of the bubbles in ship wake. Experiment is conducted in laboratory to obtained active acoustic characteristic of ship wake through comprehensive analysis.